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This repository is a MapStore Extensions repository to build cadastrapp. It is based on with the customizations for geOrchestra, and it follows the same conventions.

It can be used also as a template to create new extensions for geOrchestra.

Plugin configuration

The extension can be installed using the context manager UI. Once the extension is installed, it can be added also to the default context by editing localConfig.json as usual, or added to a specific context, using the context editor user interface.

Local config

The plugin allows configuration of the following properties:

  • helpUrl - Plugin specific help url for more details on the extension, used by the help button
  • openOnLoad - Auto open plugin the plugin on load
  • foncier - activate/deactivate foncier functionalities
  • popup - settings for popup
  • styles - styles for Preferences


"cfg": {
   "helpUrl": "",
   "openOnLoad": false,
   "foncier": true,
   "popup": {
     "minZoom": 14,
     "timeToShow": 1000
   "styles": {
     "selected": {
       "fillColor": "#81BEF7",
       "opacity": 0.6,
       "fillOpacity": 0.6,
       "color": "#111111",
       "weight": 4
     "default": {
       "fillColor": "#222111",
       "opacity": 0.4,
       "fillOpacity": 0.4,
       "color": "#111222",
       "weight": 2

Quick Start

Clone the repository with the --recursive option to automatically clone submodules.

git clone --recursive

Install NodeJS >= 12.16.1 , if needed, from here.

You can start the development application locally:

npm install

npm start

The application runs at http://localhost:8081 afterwards. You will see, opening a map, the sample plugin on top of the map.

Running geOrchestra

Backend Dev Setup

You can run this application and refer to a running back-end of geOrchestra by configuring proxyConfig.js in the root of the project. You can configure this to point to your running instance of geOrchestra, with cadastrapp installed.

When pointing directly at cadastrapp short-circuiting geOrchestra's sec-proxy, one can be properly authenticated by faking the extra headers via proxyConfig.js:

    "/rest": {
        target: `http://localhost:8180/mapstore`,
        secure: false,
        headers: {
            "sec-roles": "ROLE_CADASTRAPP;ROLE_MAPSTORE_ADMIN",
            "sec-username": 'testadmin',
            "sec-org": 'PSC',
            host: ``
    "/cadastrapp": {
        target: `http://localhost:8180`,
        secure: false,
        headers: {
           "sec-roles": "ROLE_CADASTRAPP",
           "sec-username": 'testadmin',
           "sec-org": 'PSC',
           host: ``

in that case, that assumes that npm start runs on the same machine where cadastrapp & mapstore backends runs, and that the corresponding tomcat listens on port 8180. This should be adapted if using different ports, or being deployed on a different machine.

With that setup and the default localConfig.json (which uses a login button), simulating a login (eg login with random credentials) will call http://localhost:8081/rest/geostore/users/user/details?includeattributes=true (which behind the scenes will call the existing mapstore backend, adding the appropriate headers) and from that point the frontend will consider the current user logged in with full rights on cadastrapp backend.


If you will try to do requests to absolute URLs, you may be redirected to use the proxy. (the request will be transformed in something like /mapstore/proxy?url=...). Make sure that this entry point(s) (configured in proxyConfig.json) are able to resolve the URL passed as parameter. If supported, you can add the URL to useCors entry in localConfig.json (see mapstore documentation).


If you need to login, you can run geOrchestra locally and use the header extension to fake the login (see Dev documentation of GeOrchestra). When you will try to login from the login menu, you will be logged in as the user indicated in the headers.

Build Extension

To build the extension you should run

  • npm run ext:build

This will create a zip with the name of your extension in dist directory.

Test Module

The current project contains the plugin on its own. In a production environment the extension will be loaded dynamically from the MapStore back-end. You can simulate in dev-mode this condition by:

Commenting js/app.js the lines indicated in js/app.jsx, that allow to load the plugin in the main app.

// Import plugin directly in application. Comment the 3 lines below to test the extension live.
const extensions = require('./extensions').default;
plugins.plugins = { ...plugins.plugins, ...extensions };
ConfigUtils.setConfigProp('translationsPath', ['./MapStore2/web/client/translations', './assets/translations']);
// end of lines to comment
  • run, in 2 different console the following commands:
    • npm run ext:start
    • npm run ext:startapp

This will run webpack dev server on port 8081 with MapStore, simulating the extensions.json, and will run on port 8082 the effective modules to load.

Dev Hints

Here a list of hints to develop your extension:

  • In order to keep your changes as much self contained as possible we suggest to put all your code (and assets) in js/extension/. (Put css in js/extension/assets/, etc...)
  • Use the @mapstore alias to refer to MapStore components. This helps your code to be compatible with future enhancements when mapstore will be published as a separated package, that can be shared

Developing your own extension starting from this repo

This is basically a repository for a MapStore Extension. All the code of the extension is under js/extension directory. You can replace the plugins/Extension.js with your own file. and configure the project to develop your own application. See the dedicated section of the Readme of MapStore Extension for details


In ordrer to do a release you can use the following steps. Usually it is done on master so you can simply

  • Build the extension locally, or download the last artifact from the github actions (they disappear after N days)
  • Create a github release ( From github repo page --> Releases --> Draft a new release)
    • target the master branch, if you have to publish from master
    • Write the tag name you want for the release and click on "Create new tag [...] on publish" entry. (This will create a new tag on the HEAD of the master branch when the release is published). E.g. 1.0.0-rc21
    • Fill title of the release with the name of the release (usually the same of the tag)
    • Fill the release description ("auto-generate release notes" button usually does the job)
    • Upload the extension zip to the attachments for the release
    • Publish the release (this will create the tag)