An interactive dash app for financial analysis:
Note that the app may take a little time to render...
The dash app enables the user to:
- Build a portfolio by choosing up to five stocks and how many shares of each stock.
- See a donut chart breakdown of their created porfolio.
- Get the latest treasury rates and closing prices of their chosen stocks.
Furthermore, the app then allows the user to analyse their portfolio:
- Plotting the normalized closing price of their portfolio alongside the S&P500 index benchmark.
- The app then provides the returns % along with the performance multiplier.
- Plotting the daily returns of the portfolio against the benchmark, and extracing the alpha and beta for the portfolio.
- Plotting each chosen stock's closing price along with a 10-day and 90-day simple moving average, and also plotting the points where buy or sell signals where generated.
All financial data is obtained using the yfinance
package for python.
The app is built using dash
and plotly
for python.