Based on the original here but modified to be on updated dependencies and to interact with the sample Koa Rest App. Between these two applications is a modern MERN application (well really MKRN) designed for testing purposes.
- Tailwind CSS to handle UI
- Local JSON api/endpoint to simulate a server environment for todo CRUD operations
- Works with/without the local server endpoint
- Uses built-in react state for state management
- Clone this repo to your local and do an
npm or yarn install
- Then use either
npm or yarn start
to serve the application atlocalhost
- To run the full combined stack you can use docker compose. From this directory run
docker compose up -d
then run the following things to provision the mongo db
docker exec -it mongo-db mongosh mongodb:// --eval 'disableTelemetry()'
docker exec -it mongo-db mongosh mongodb:// --eval 'db.disableFreeMonitoring()'
docker exec -it mongo-db mongosh mongodb:// --eval 'db.createCollection("todos")'
Once complete the server will be available on localhost:3000 in your browser