Some C# code inspired by harvards code here.
- Use XmasTreeLightsTo3DCaptureImages to capture images. There's a hardcoded IP address which should point to a WLED instance. It expects all LEDs to be on a single segment (others will be ignored). Update the direction (8 directions) each time, then run the program.
- Run Process3DImages. You can fiddle about with a few constants at the top to tweak your results if needed.
- Run TestTreeCoordinates to run 3 sweeping planes along each axis, then flash the LEDs' binary.
Future plans: (being worked on now)
- Implement Matt's 'correction' algorithm.
- See if we can do something with the Y values particularly to discount certain angles where the Y is way off (obviously wrong). Run the equation solver again, discounting those to see if we get a better (smaller equation delta) coordinates.
- Possibly bundle all programs into a web interface (probably using Blazor because why not).
- Find out why after controling WLED's leds individually WLED ignores the web UI commands (to fix reboot WLED).