George Snelling home page
This site is static with formatting provided by grunt and bootstrap. It is publised on under the username georgesnelling. You will need to be able to signin to github using one of george's private keys. The last one I remember is /Users/gs/.ssh/gskey16
cd cd .ssh ssh-add or any other valid key.
cd cd src/
git clone
If this works you have a valid key to connect to git hub. If not, you need to figure out the key to pull and push on github. If you can't publish on github, that's OK. The following steps will still work. You just need to publish them some place else.
Install gruntjs, the templating tool that generates the site's header. Instructions here:
To edit the site, go to ! and edit the raw html files using your favorite text editor. If you mistakenly edit the files outside the ssrc sub-directory you will be sad. Then
cd ~/src/
grunt -- this will process your source files and provide templating
git add .
git commit -m "what you changed"
git push
if all goes well your new site will be available on