Podcast Portal is simple Material-styled podcast player for Android.
- Browsing and searching through podcast resources
- Streaming online or playing local audio and video podcasts.
- Download episodes for offline use.
- Subscribing for content updates and new episodes
###Tech Details
- The app architecture is based on the wonderful Nucleus MVP library
- Extensive use of Dagger 2 for resolving and injecting code dependencies.
- The Model and Presenter layers are implemented in a reactive, push-based style with RxJava streams.
- Data is backed by a a SQLite-backed ContentProvider
- Database queries are executed and observed with SQLBrite.
- The networking layer is based on the OkHTTP/Retrofit/Picasso stack.
- The player uses the support version of the MediaSession API.
- Support for devices running Android API17+ (Jelly Bean).
Sample video: