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Plotting time series of events

Glenn Thompson edited this page Oct 14, 2015 · 6 revisions

Let's use the Tohoku dataset we saved previously.

>> load tohoku_events_1day.mat

Magnitude-time plot

>> catalogObject.plot_time()

Earthquake event counts (number of events per unit time)

A plot of seismic catalog per day is often called an "event counts" plot. In GISMO, we call this an "event rate plot" and the first step is to generate an EventRate object.

For a quick plot of earthquakes per hour, we create an EventRate object and then plot it. Here our binsize is 1/24 days, i.e. 1 hour.

>> eventrateObject = catalogObject.eventrate('binsize', 1/24);
>> eventrateObject.plot()

To see more of the things we can do with EventRate objects see SCAFFOLD: this Tutorial.

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