Releases: geosigno/simpleParallax.js
fix minified version
4.0.1 Update
4.0.0: no more jQuery, only VANILLA
🎉🎉 This release remove jQuery dependency and use Vanilla JS and ES6 instead. 🎉🎉
Careful, from now you need to use this syntax:
var images = document.querySelectorAll('.thumbnail');
new simpleParallax(images, {
delay: 0,
orientation: 'down',
scale: 1.30,
overflow: true
Old syntax will no work anymore.
3.1.3: Fix dist wrong syntax if simpleParallax
This release fix an issue with the dist file. Babel has been removing from the build.
3.1.2: Fix dist wrong version of simpleParallax
This release fix an issue when the simpleParallax.min.js was not the correct file.
3.1.1: Fix issue
3.1.0: Stability improvements
This release improves the stability of the plugin. There is no more issue when simpleParallax has been initialized before loading the image. Also the resize of the window has been improved to recalculate the offset. simpleParallax is now working on IE11.
- #18b97ce - fix issue when init was occuring before image was loaded
- #a1d43c - fix issue when resize event didn't recalculate the offset
- #4637d9e - fix issue when isInitialized was not properly used
- #67b2e4a - increase gap for very fast scroll down action in first view
- #86cdd9 - add closest polyfill for IE11 support
- #16b0bb - fix issue with load event with picture and srcset
3.0.0: Performance peak and new options
This release is mostly about improving the perfomance. Some unnecessary and redundant calculation has been optimized.
Two options have been added: breakpoint and transition.
Gulp workflow has been completely reviewed. Now using gulp 4 and Babel.
The logo and the demo site have been updated.
- #7f19d9f - update gulp workflow
- #09d9cef - add breakpoint params
- #f7acb0d4 - create getViewportOffsetHeight and getViewportOffsetBottom to improve perfomance - add resize event to recalculate coordonates
- #b36de01 - put getElementOffset into the init mehtod instead of proceedLoop
- #537470 - fix an issue when height was miscalculating and induce wrong range in mobile
- #fa6d630 - change occurance as a global var
- #894ef0b - add gap in isVisible check + change scale default value
- #09d9cef - change header typo
- #a706b776 - change the overflow setting to false by default
- #4b67693 - add transition setting
- #0a7216e - put the orientation check in the init method
- #09d9cef - add comment for each action + review logic when overflow is set to true
- #707ae69 - review Logic - create setStyle function - remove unnecessary range calculation - replace jquery to Vanilla for core method - add comment
2.5.0 - Add overflow parameter
This release add an overflow parameter. By default overflow is set to true, this means that a scale will be apply to the image in order to translate it without scale the container of this image. To make it simple, the image will have a parallax effect without affecting it's initial position and overflow. (this is what simpleParallax do from the beginning)
If the overflow parameter is set to false, there is no more scale on the image. The scale will be use to calculate the range of the image translation. Then the image will translate out of it's container.
- #9031da5 - add will-change css property
2.4.0 - Add delay parameter
This release add a delay parameter to add some delay effect when parallax animations occurs. Really nice :)
This release also improves overall perfomance by adding will-change CSS property so that the browser can anticipate transition and gives a smoother effect.
2.3.0 - CSS Hardware Acceleration
This release improves perfomance by using CSS Hardware Acceleration.
TranslateX and translateY have been change to translate3D.
- #d8cf95 - use CSS hardware acceleration for animations