Added createOrder($forget = true)
method to the CartSession
Added active
scope to the Cart
model for carts that do not have an order associated.
Added ability to tap into filterable, searchable and sortable fields in Scout.
Added convenient method to access pricing from product variants.
Added config/getcandy/urls.php
You can now specify a URL generator when creating records that use the HasUrls
You can specify whether URLs are required throughout the system.
The database connection can now be specified for GetCandy's models in getcandy/database.php
. By @ryanmitchell
Added getcandy:search:index
command to reindex models based on options passed. By @lucasvmds
Added ability to format prices using different locales via the php NumberFormatter.
Added new clear()
function to the CartManager.
When a user logs in, the CartSessionAuthListener
will now check for an active cart, rather than just grabbing the latest. (#186 )
, ListField
and Number
field types now implement the JsonSerializable
When deleting a record that has URLs, if it wasn't soft deleted, there is now a clean up routine to remove any existing URLs
When running the getcandy:meilisearch:setup
it will now wait for a period whilst the index is created before continuing. By @lucasvmds
method will now consider non array values passed and use the $locale
parameter correctly #251 . By @armezit
When generating media conversions, the original file format is now kept. By @lucasvmds
Quantity column on cart_lines
and order_lines
table is now of type unsignedInteger
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