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Created by Hari Haran
StackExchange.NET is a .NET Standard managed library that provides easy access to the StackExchange APi's with virtually no boilerplate code required.
StackExchange.NET is FOSS (MIT License) and written entirely in c#.
Use a NuGet package reference inside your project with the name StackExchange.NET
Alternatively, binaries can be pulled from the build server linked above under artifacts or compiled manually from the build folder.
- Answers
- Badges
- Comments
- Posts
- Questions
- Suggested Edits
- Tags
Pandiyan Murugan 📖 |
To create a new API instance provide the apikey. If you need a new key check docs
var client = new StackExchangeClient("yourApiKey");
You can easily find the relevant method under your preferred section. For example, lets say i want to GetAllPosts
It can be simply achived by
var posts = client.Posts.GetAllPosts(postFilter);
Noticed the postFiler
parameter. Similar to that, each method has its own parameter to filter the results from the api. The Post Filter
object can also be accessed like this
var postFilter = new PostFilter()
Sort = PostSort.Creation
There are different types of parameter filter objects available. Each Parent Method
will have its own filter. Example : All the clients.Comments
will accept a CommentFilter()
- AnswerFilters
- BadgeFilters
- CommentFilter
- PostFilter
If you're looking to contribute, thanks for your interest. Feel free to submit reports for any issues you can find, or request potential features you'd like to see here.
- Added support for most of the methods in Tags interface.
- Added support for Suggested Edits API's
Improved overall code quality using Fluent API Url Builders
Removed all Hardcoded API URL's
More Clean code
# Before V.0 (Initial commit) var apiParams = filters.GetQueryParams(); var url = $"{_baseApiUrl}/answers?key={_apiKey}&{apiParams}"; var response = _httpClient.GetAsync(url).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; var apiResult = response.DeserializeJson<Data<Answer>>().ValidateApiResponse(); return apiResult; # After V1.1 var url = ApiUrlBuilder .Initialize(_apiKey) .ForClient(ClientType.Answers) .WithFilter(filters) .GetApiUrl(); var response = _httpClient.GetAsync(url).Result .ReadAsJsonAsync<Data<Answer>>() .ValidateApiResponse(); return response;