optimze font and search #14
3223 passed, 36 failed and 0 skipped
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_config.api.logs_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 10s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_config.api.pulse_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 6s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_config.file_test.xml
11 tests were completed in 82ms with 11 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_config.file.databases_test.xml
3 tests were completed in 2s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_config.file.settings_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 13ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_config.file.users_test.xml
4 tests were completed in 586ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_config.models.pulse_channel_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 829ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_permissions.api.application_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 165ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_permissions.api.group_manager_test.xml
5 tests were completed in 12s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_permissions.api.monitoring_test.xml
3 tests were completed in 5s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_permissions.api.setting_test.xml
8 tests were completed in 12s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_permissions.api.subscription_test.xml
2 tests were completed in 7s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_permissions.common_test.xml
14 tests were completed in 7s with 14 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_permissions.models.permissions_test.xml
6 tests were completed in 704ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_permissions.models.permissions.application_permissions_test.xml
2 tests were completed in 106ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_permissions.models.permissions.block_permissions_test.xml
8 tests were completed in 2s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_permissions.models.permissions.group_manager_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 502ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.advanced_permissions.query_processor.middleware.permissions_test.xml
6 tests were completed in 3s with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.audit_app.api.user_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 741ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.audit_app.pages_test.xml
4 tests were completed in 2s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.audit_app.pages.alerts_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 123ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.audit_app.pages.common_test.xml
5 tests were completed in 18ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.audit_app.pages.dashboard_subscriptions_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 102ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.audit_app.query_processor.middleware.handle_audit_queries_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 5ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.content_management.api.review_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 118ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.email.messages_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 111ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.enhancements.api.collection_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 83ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.enhancements.api.native_query_snippet_test.xml
5 tests were completed in 837ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ target/junit/metabase_enterprise.enhancements.integrations.google_test.xml
1 tests were completed in 98ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Report exceeded GitHub limit of 65535 bytes and has been trimmed
Check failure on line 0 in target/junit/metabase.api.card_test.xml
github-actions / JUnit Test Report be-tests-postgres-ee
metabase.api.card-test ► download-default-constraints-test
Failed test found in:
Raw output
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
{:database 1,
:type :query,
:query {:source-table 1},
:middleware {:add-default-userland-constraints? true, :userland-query? true}},
:display :table,
:visualization_settings {}}
with temporary :metabase.models.collection/Collection with attributes
Sanity check: this CSV download should not be subject to C O N S T R A I N T S
POST http://localhost:3001/api/card/416/query/csv expected a status code of 200, got 500.
expected: (= expected-status-code actual-status-code)
actual: (not (= 200 500))
Check failure on line 0 in target/junit/metabase.api.dashboard_test.xml
github-actions / JUnit Test Report be-tests-postgres-ee
metabase.api.dashboard-test ► dashboard-card-query-export-format-test
Failed test found in:
Raw output
POST /api/dashboard/:dashboard-id/dashcard/:dashcard-id/card/:card-id/query/:export-format
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {:database 1, :type :query, :query {:limit 5, :source-table 4}},
:display :table,
:visualization_settings {},
[{:description nil,
:semantic_type :type/PK,
:coercion_strategy nil,
:name "ID",
:settings nil,
:field_ref [:field 2 nil],
:effective_type :type/BigInteger,
:id 2,
:visibility_type :normal,
:display_name "ID",
:fingerprint nil,
:base_type :type/BigInteger}
{:description nil,
:semantic_type :type/Name,
:coercion_strategy nil,
:name "NAME",
:settings nil,
:field_ref [:field 1 nil],
:effective_type :type/Text,
:id 1,
:visibility_type :normal,
:display_name "Name",
{:global {:distinct-count 75, :nil% 0.0},
{:percent-json 0.0,
:percent-url 0.0,
:percent-email 0.0,
:percent-state 0.0,
:average-length 8.333333333333334}}},
:base_type :type/Text}],
:table_id 4}
with temporary :metabase.models.dashboard/Dashboard with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
[{:name "Category Name", :slug "category_name", :id "_CATEGORY_NAME_", :type "category"}
{:name "Category ID", :slug "category_id", :id "_CATEGORY_ID_", :type "category"}
{:name "Price", :slug "price", :id "_PRICE_", :type "category"}
{:name "ID", :slug "id", :id "_ID_", :type "category"}
{:name "Static Category",
:slug "static_category",
:type "category",
:values_source_type "static-list",
:values_source_config {:values ["African" "American" "Asian"]}}
{:name "Static Category label",
:slug "static_category_label",
:type "category",
:values_source_type "static-list",
:values_source_config {:values [["African" "Af"] ["American" "Am"] ["Asian" "As"]]}}
{:id "_CARD_",
:type "category",
:name "CATEGORY",
:values_source_type "card",
:values_source_config {:card_id 631, :value_field [:field 1 nil]}}]}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {:database 1, :type :query, :query {:source-table 1}},
:display :table,
:visualization_settings {},
:table_id 1}
with temporary :metabase.models.dashboard-card/DashboardCard with attributes
{:row 0,
:col 0,
:size_x 4,
:size_y 4,
:card_id 632,
:dashboard_id 151,
[{:parameter_id "_CATEGORY_NAME_", :card_id 632, :target [:dimension [:field 1 {:source-field 15}]]}
{:parameter_id "_CATEGORY_ID_", :card_id 632, :target [:dimension [:field 15 nil]]}
{:parameter_id "_PRICE_", :card_id 632, :target [:dimension [:field 16 nil]]}
{:parameter_id "_ID_", :card_id 632, :target [:dimension [:field 12 nil]]}
{:parameter_id "_ID_", :card_id 632, :target [:dimension [:field 12 nil]]}
{:parameter_id "_STATIC_CATEGORY_", :card_id 632, :target [:dimension [:field 1 {:source-field 15}]]}
{:parameter_id "_STATIC_CATEGORY_LABEL_", :card_id 632, :target [:dimension [:field 1 {:source-field 15}]]}]}
Export format = :csv
expected: (=
(mt/mbql-query venues {:filter [:= $price 4]}))
{:request-options {:as :byte-array}}
(json/generate-string [{:id "_PRICE_", :value 4}]))
actual: (not
(["ID" "Name" "Category ID" "Latitude" "Longitude" "Price"]
["16" "Pacific Dining Car - Santa Monica" "67" "34.0367" "-118.476" "4"]
["55" "Dal Rae Restaurant" "67" "33.983" "-118.096" "4"]
["61" "Lawry's The Prime Rib" "67" "34.0677" "-118.376" "4"]
["77" "Sushi Nakazawa" "40" "40.7318" "-74.0045" "4"]
["79" "Sushi Yasuda" "40" "40.7514" "-73.9736" "4"]
["81" "Tanoshi Sushi & Sake Bar" "40" "40.7677" "-73.9533" "4"])))
Check failure on line 0 in target/junit/metabase.api.database_test.xml
github-actions / JUnit Test Report be-tests-postgres-ee
metabase.api.database-test ► autocomplete-suggestions-test
Failed test found in:
Raw output
GET /api/database/:id/autocomplete_suggestions
GET http://localhost:3001/api/database/1/autocomplete_suggestions?prefix=u expected a status code of 200, got 204.
expected: (= expected-status-code actual-status-code)
actual: (not (= 200 204))
Check failure on line 0 in target/junit/metabase.api.database_test.xml
github-actions / JUnit Test Report be-tests-postgres-ee
metabase.api.database-test ► card-autocomplete-suggestions-test
Failed test found in:
Raw output
GET /api/database/:id/card_autocomplete_suggestions
with temporary :metabase.models.collection/Collection with attributes
{:name "Maz Analytics", :color "#ABCDEF"}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {:database 1, :type :native, :native {:query "SELECT * FROM VENUES"}},
:display :table,
:name "Maz Quote Views Per Month",
:visualization_settings {},
:collection_id 472}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {:database 1, :type :native, :native {:query "SELECT * FROM VENUES"}},
:display :table,
:name "Maz Quote Views Per Day",
:visualization_settings {},
:dataset true}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {:database 1, :type :native, :native {:query "SELECT * FROM VENUES"}},
:display :table,
:name "Maz Quote Views Per Day",
:visualization_settings {}}
exclude cards without perms
GET http://localhost:3001/api/database/1/card_autocomplete_suggestions?query=maz expected a status code of 200, got 404.
expected: (= expected-status-code actual-status-code)
actual: (not (= 200 404))
Check failure on line 0 in target/junit/metabase.api.search_test.xml
github-actions / JUnit Test Report be-tests-postgres-ee
metabase.api.search-test ► table-test
Failed test found in:
Raw output
You should see Tables in the search results!
with temporary :metabase.models.table/Table with attributes
{:db_id 1, :active true, :name "RoundTable"}
user = :crowberto
expected: (= [(default-table-search-row "RoundTable")] (search-request-data user :q "RoundTable"))
actual: (not
[{:description nil,
:archived nil,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id true,
:bookmark nil,
:database_id true,
:name "RoundTable",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status "incomplete",
:table_name "RoundTable",
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "table"}]
Check failure on line 0 in target/junit/metabase.api.search_test.xml
github-actions / JUnit Test Report be-tests-postgres-ee
metabase.api.search-test ► basic-test
Failed test found in:
Raw output
Basic search, should find 1 of each entity type, all items in the root collection
with temporary :metabase.models.collection/Collection with attributes
{:name "collection test collection", :color "#ABCDEF"}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {},
:display :table,
:name "ActionModel",
:visualization_settings {},
:dataset true}
with temporary :metabase.models.action/Action with attributes
{:name "action test action", :type :query, :model_id 1005}
with temporary :metabase.models.action/QueryAction with attributes
{:action_id 66, :database_id 1, :dataset_query {:database 1, :type :query, :query {:source-table 1}}}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :database_id 1, :dataset_query {}, :display :table, :name "card test card", :visualization_settings {}}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {},
:display :table,
:name "dataset test dataset",
:visualization_settings {},
:dataset true}
with temporary :metabase.models.dashboard/Dashboard with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :name "dashboard test dashboard"}
with temporary :metabase.models.metric/Metric with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :definition {}, :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :name "metric test metric", :table_id 3}
with temporary :metabase.models.segment/Segment with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :definition {}, :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :name "segment test segment", :table_id 3}
expected: (= (default-search-results) (search-request-data :crowberto :q "test"))
actual: (not
({:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "dashboard test dashboard",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "dashboard"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "card test card",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count 0,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "card"}
{:description "Lookin' for a blueberry",
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id true,
:bookmark nil,
:database_id true,
:name "segment test segment",
:table_schema "PUBLIC",
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name "CHECKINS",
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "segment"}
{:description "Lookin' for a blueberry",
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id true,
:bookmark nil,
:database_id true,
:name "metric test metric",
:table_schema "PUBLIC",
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name "CHECKINS",
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "metric"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark nil,
:database_id true,
:name "action test action",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query {:database 1, :type "query", :query {:source-table 1}},
:model_id true,
:model_name "ActionModel",
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "action"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "dataset test dataset",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count 0,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "dataset"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "collection test collection",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at false,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id true, :name true, :authority_level nil},
:model "collection"})
[{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "dashboard test dashboard",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "dashboard"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "card test card",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count 0,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "card"}]))
Check failure on line 0 in target/junit/metabase.api.search_test.xml
github-actions / JUnit Test Report be-tests-postgres-ee
metabase.api.search-test ► archived-results-test
Failed test found in:
Raw output
Should return unarchived results by default
with temporary :metabase.models.collection/Collection with attributes
{:name "collection test collection", :color "#ABCDEF"}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {},
:display :table,
:name "ActionModel",
:visualization_settings {},
:dataset true}
with temporary :metabase.models.action/Action with attributes
{:name "action test action", :type :query, :model_id 1038}
with temporary :metabase.models.action/QueryAction with attributes
{:action_id 77, :database_id 1, :dataset_query {:database 1, :type :query, :query {:source-table 1}}}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :database_id 1, :dataset_query {}, :display :table, :name "card test card", :visualization_settings {}}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {},
:display :table,
:name "dataset test dataset",
:visualization_settings {},
:dataset true}
with temporary :metabase.models.dashboard/Dashboard with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :name "dashboard test dashboard"}
with temporary :metabase.models.metric/Metric with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :definition {}, :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :name "metric test metric", :table_id 3}
with temporary :metabase.models.segment/Segment with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :definition {}, :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :name "segment test segment", :table_id 3}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {},
:display :table,
:visualization_settings {},
:dataset true}
with temporary :metabase.models.action/Action with attributes
{:name "action test action 2", :type :query, :model_id 1041, :archived true}
with temporary :metabase.models.action/QueryAction with attributes
{:action_id 78, :database_id 1, :dataset_query {:database 1, :type :query, :query {:source-table 1}}}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {},
:display :table,
:name "card test card 2",
:visualization_settings {},
:archived true}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {},
:display :table,
:name "dataset test dataset",
:visualization_settings {},
:dataset true,
:archived true}
with temporary :metabase.models.dashboard/Dashboard with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :name "dashboard test dashboard 2", :archived true}
with temporary :metabase.models.collection/Collection with attributes
{:name "collection test collection 2", :color "#ABCDEF", :archived true}
with temporary :metabase.models.metric/Metric with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:definition {},
:description "Lookin' for a blueberry",
:name "metric test metric 2",
:table_id 3,
:archived true}
with temporary :metabase.models.segment/Segment with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:definition {},
:description "Lookin' for a blueberry",
:name "segment test segment 2",
:table_id 3,
:archived true}
expected: (= (default-search-results) (search-request-data :crowberto :q "test"))
actual: (not
({:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "dashboard test dashboard",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "dashboard"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "card test card",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count 0,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "card"}
{:description "Lookin' for a blueberry",
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id true,
:bookmark nil,
:database_id true,
:name "segment test segment",
:table_schema "PUBLIC",
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name "CHECKINS",
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "segment"}
{:description "Lookin' for a blueberry",
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id true,
:bookmark nil,
:database_id true,
:name "metric test metric",
:table_schema "PUBLIC",
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name "CHECKINS",
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "metric"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark nil,
:database_id true,
:name "action test action",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query {:database 1, :type "query", :query {:source-table 1}},
:model_id true,
:model_name "ActionModel",
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "action"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "dataset test dataset",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count 0,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "dataset"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "collection test collection",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at false,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id true, :name true, :authority_level nil},
:model "collection"})
[{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "dashboard test dashboard",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "dashboard"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "card test card",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count 0,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "card"}]))
Check failure on line 0 in target/junit/metabase.api.search_test.xml
github-actions / JUnit Test Report be-tests-postgres-ee
metabase.api.search-test ► collection-namespaces-test
Failed test found in:
Raw output
Search should only return Collections in the 'default' namespace
with temporary :metabase.models.collection/Collection with attributes
{:name "Normal Collection", :color "#ABCDEF"}
with temporary :metabase.models.collection/Collection with attributes
{:name "Coin Collection", :color "#ABCDEF", :namespace "currency"}
expected: [{:name "Normal Collection"}]
actual: ()
diff: - [(not= {:name "Normal Collection"} nil)]
Check failure on line 0 in target/junit/metabase.api.search_test.xml
github-actions / JUnit Test Report be-tests-postgres-ee
metabase.api.search-test ► database-test
Failed test found in:
Raw output
Should search database names and descriptions
with temporary :metabase.models.database/Database with attributes
{:details {}, :engine :h2, :is_sample false, :name "aviaries"}
with temporary :metabase.models.database/Database with attributes
{:details {},
:engine :h2,
:is_sample false,
:name "user_favorite_places",
:description "Join table between users and their favorite places, which could include aviaries"}
with temporary :metabase.models.database/Database with attributes
{:details {}, :engine :h2, :is_sample false, :name "users", :description "As it sounds"}
expected: (=
[{:name "aviaries"}
{:name "user_favorite_places",
:description "Join table between users and their favorite places, which could include aviaries"}]))
(fn* [p1__152837#] (select-keys p1__152837# [:name :model :description]))
(search-request-data-with sorted-results :crowberto :q "aviaries")))
actual: (not
({:name "user_favorite_places",
:model "database",
:description "Join table between users and their favorite places, which could include aviaries"}
{:name "aviaries", :model "database", :description nil})
Check failure on line 0 in target/junit/metabase.api.search_test.xml
github-actions / JUnit Test Report be-tests-postgres-ee
metabase.api.search-test ► query-model-set
Failed test found in:
Raw output
It returns some stuff when you get results
with temporary :metabase.models.collection/Collection with attributes
{:name "collection test collection", :color "#ABCDEF"}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {},
:display :table,
:name "ActionModel",
:visualization_settings {},
:dataset true}
with temporary :metabase.models.action/Action with attributes
{:name "action test action", :type :query, :model_id 1057}
with temporary :metabase.models.action/QueryAction with attributes
{:action_id 84, :database_id 1, :dataset_query {:database 1, :type :query, :query {:source-table 1}}}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :database_id 1, :dataset_query {}, :display :table, :name "card test card", :visualization_settings {}}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {},
:display :table,
:name "dataset test dataset",
:visualization_settings {},
:dataset true}
with temporary :metabase.models.dashboard/Dashboard with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :name "dashboard test dashboard"}
with temporary :metabase.models.metric/Metric with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :definition {}, :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :name "metric test metric", :table_id 3}
with temporary :metabase.models.segment/Segment with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :definition {}, :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :name "segment test segment", :table_id 3}
expected: (set/subset?
#{"dashboard" "dataset" "segment" "collection" "database" "metric" "card"}
(-> (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 "search?q=test") :available_models set))
actual: (not
#{"dashboard" "dataset" "segment" "collection" "database" "metric" "card"}
#{"dashboard" "card"}))
Check failure on line 0 in target/junit/metabase.api.search_test.xml
github-actions / JUnit Test Report be-tests-postgres-ee
metabase.api.search-test ► bookmarks-test
Failed test found in:
Raw output
Bookmarks are per user, so other user's bookmarks don't cause search results to be altered
with temporary :metabase.models.collection/Collection with attributes
{:name "collection test collection", :color "#ABCDEF"}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {},
:display :table,
:name "ActionModel",
:visualization_settings {},
:dataset true,
:collection_id 567}
with temporary :metabase.models.action/Action with attributes
{:name "action test action", :type :query, :model_id 1063}
with temporary :metabase.models.action/QueryAction with attributes
{:action_id 86, :database_id 1, :dataset_query {:database 1, :type :query, :query {:source-table 1}}}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {},
:display :table,
:name "card test card",
:visualization_settings {},
:collection_id 567}
with temporary :metabase.models.card/Card with attributes
{:creator_id 2,
:database_id 1,
:dataset_query {},
:display :table,
:name "dataset test dataset",
:visualization_settings {},
:collection_id 567,
:dataset true}
with temporary :metabase.models.dashboard/Dashboard with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :name "dashboard test dashboard", :collection_id 567}
with temporary :metabase.models.metric/Metric with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :definition {}, :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :name "metric test metric", :table_id 3}
with temporary :metabase.models.segment/Segment with attributes
{:creator_id 2, :definition {}, :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :name "segment test segment", :table_id 3}
with temporary :metabase.models.bookmark/CardBookmark with attributes
{:card_id 1064, :user_id 2}
with temporary :metabase.models.bookmark/DashboardBookmark with attributes
{:dashboard_id 337, :user_id 2}
expected: (= (default-results-with-collection) (search-request-data :crowberto :q "test"))
actual: (not
({:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "dashboard test dashboard",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id true, :name true, :authority_level nil},
:model "dashboard"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "card test card",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count 0,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id true, :name true, :authority_level nil},
:model "card"}
{:description "Lookin' for a blueberry",
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id true,
:bookmark nil,
:database_id true,
:name "segment test segment",
:table_schema "PUBLIC",
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name "CHECKINS",
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "segment"}
{:description "Lookin' for a blueberry",
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id true,
:bookmark nil,
:database_id true,
:name "metric test metric",
:table_schema "PUBLIC",
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name "CHECKINS",
:collection {:id false, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "metric"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark nil,
:database_id true,
:name "action test action",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query {:database 1, :type "query", :query {:source-table 1}},
:model_id true,
:model_name "ActionModel",
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id true, :name nil, :authority_level nil},
:model "action"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "dataset test dataset",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count 0,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id true, :name true, :authority_level nil},
:model "dataset"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "collection test collection",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at false,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id true, :name true, :authority_level nil},
:model "collection"})
[{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "dashboard test dashboard",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count nil,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id true, :name true, :authority_level nil},
:model "dashboard"}
{:description nil,
:archived false,
:collection_position nil,
:table_id false,
:bookmark false,
:database_id false,
:name "card test card",
:table_schema nil,
:collection_authority_level nil,
:updated_at true,
:moderated_status nil,
:dataset_query nil,
:model_id false,
:model_name nil,
:id true,
:table_description nil,
:dashboardcard_count 0,
:context nil,
:initial_sync_status nil,
:table_name nil,
:collection {:id true, :name true, :authority_level nil},
:model "card"}]))