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Server complement of Startup the server, point your MachineLearningRemote component to your server address with the script file name set in DefaultScript property and it will load on begin play.

Quick Setup

  1. Install python 3 on target machine recommended version for e.g. tensorflow: 3.7.

Option 1)Using Windows Local Server

  1. Update requirements.txt with any dependencies you need, e.g. tensorflow==2.2
  2. Double click on InstallRequirements (you may need to run this command in admin)

  1. (Optional) If you're not using the autolaunch option on MachineLearnineRemote: Double click StartupServer.bat

Option 2) Using Remote Server

  1. Pick a folder, navigate to it
  2. git clone
  3. Update requirements.txt with any dependencies you need, e.g. tensorflow==2.2
  4. run pip install -r requirements.txt.
  5. In terminal type python to start the server

Server is now ready to use.

Optional Client Steps

  1. Connect your unreal instance via
  2. Listen to log events via your browser by going to <server ip>:8080 or localhost:8080 in your browser. There are some debug commands like /r <script name> to swap script and /i to send dummy inputs; see for all supported commands.

How to use

Startup event flow

Begin Play -> (if connect on beginplay) connect to backend -> (if start script on connection) Default Script start

Listen to the OnScriptStarted event to know it's safe to send inputs/start training.


See as all interaction beyond debugging is handled by client.

Keep in mind that you can end play, do some code changes, and begin playing again without rebooting your server; the default script will be reloaded. You can also use the debug browser with /r <script name> or call StartScript from MachineLearningRemote component to live reload a script even during play.