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707 lines (489 loc) · 27.6 KB

File metadata and controls

707 lines (489 loc) · 27.6 KB



  • fix: user_context with block does not reset context after block exits


  • Fix Delayed::Plugins::Raven when job raises exception #1057
  • Merge hash instead of replacing the original value in user_context #1064
  • Don't exclude ActionView::MissingTemplate error by default #1092
  • Fix typo: much -> must for Raven::Event #1106
  • Fix undefined local variable or method logger #1143
  • fix format headers for sentry-raven #1198
  • Print deprecation message after sentry-raven is installed #1206



  • Add request id to headers if exists (#1033)

  • Allow blocks on user_context (#1023)

  • Enable configurable rack environment recorded parameters (#860)

  • Remove ActiveJob keys for both Sidekiq and DelayedJob (#898)


  • Remove circular dependency in transport/http.rb (#1035)



  • Exclude all 4xx Rails errors (#1004)

    See the full list here

  • Add some error context in transport_failure_callback (#1003)


    config.transport_failure_callback = lambda { |event|
      AdminMailer.email_admins("Oh god, it's on fire!", event).deliver_later


    config.transport_failure_callback = lambda { |event, error|
      AdminMailer.email_admins("Oh god, it's on fire because #{error.message}!", event).deliver_later
  • Support cleaning up exception backtrace with customized backtrace_cleaner (#1011)

    The new config backtrace_cleanup_callback takes a lambda/proc object (default is nil) and will be called with exception's backtrace

    Raven.configure do |config|
      config.backtrace_cleanup_callback = lambda do |backtrace|

    And with the Rails integration, it'll automatically use a customized Raven::Rails::BacktraceCleaner to clean up exception's backtrace. It's basically Rails 6's backtrace cleaner but without silencers.

    The main reason to add this cleaner is to remove template methods from the trace, e.g.

    app/views/welcome/view_error.html.erb in _app_views_welcome_view_error_html_erb__2807287320172182514_65600 at line 1

    will become

    app/views/welcome/view_error.html.erb at line 1

    This can help Sentry group issues more accurately. See #957 for more information about this.

    If you don't want this change, you can disable it with:

    Raven.configure do |config|
      config.backtrace_cleanup_callback = nil
  • Make dsn value accessable from config (#1012)

    You can now access the dsn value via Raven.configuration.dsn


  • Deprecate dasherized filenames (#1006)

    If you're using

    gem 'sentry-raven', require: 'sentry-raven-without-integrations'
    # or 
    require "sentry-raven-without-integrations"

    you will start seeing deprecation warnings. Please change them into

    gem 'sentry-raven', require: 'sentry_raven_without_integrations'
    # or 
    require "sentry_raven_without_integrations"
  • Unify breadcrumb loggers activation (#1016)

    Currently, we activate our breadcrumb loggers differently:

    require "raven/breadcrumbs/sentry_logger"
    Raven.configuration.rails_activesupport_breadcrumbs = true

    It's not a nice user interface, so this PR adds a new configuration option breadcrumbs_logger to improve this:

    Raven.configuration.breadcrumbs_logger = :sentry_logger
    Raven.configuration.breadcrumbs_logger = :active_support_logger
    Raven.configuration.breadcrumbs_logger = [:sentry_logger, :active_support_logger]

    Please migrate to the new activation apporach, otherwise you'll see depraction warnings. And old ones will be dropped in version 4.0.


  • Accept non-string message in Event.from_exception (#1005)
  • Refactor event initialization (#1010)
  • Refactor sidekiq integration (#1019)


  • Replace sys_command usages in context.rb (#1017)
  • Fix merge error from rack-timeout raven_context on old releases (#1007)
  • Return value of rescue_with_handler when intercepting ActiveJob exceptions (#1027)


  • fix: Don't log warning messages when it doesn't need to (#1000)
  • fix: Revert "Refactor Raven::Client class" (#1002)


  • fix: Ensure Processor::Cookie can run after Processor::RemoveCircularReferences (#996)
  • fix: Avoid mutating user passed in options (#994)
  • fix: Fix/Refactor Raven::Cli (#989)
  • ref: Refactor Raven::Client class (#995)
    • It adds Event#message_from_exception and Event#log_message interfaces


  • fix: Add gem target for craft


  • fix: Improve SanitizeData processor (#984)
  • fix: Masking cookies as key/pair instead of a single string (#983)
  • fix: Transports classes' requiring issue (#986)
  • fix: Frozen string issues (#977)
  • feat: Officially support Rails 6 (#982)


  • SDK now requires Ruby >= 2.3
  • REF: Retain any literal "HTTP-" in header names [@elliterate, #950]
  • REF: Delete JSON spec for recursive hashes [@ksylvest, #952]
  • FEAT: Bump faraday version to latest [@ksylvest, #946]


  • FIX: Sanitize event data before they are sent to async job. [@edariedl, #895]
  • FIX: Serialization MongoDB ObjectId to JSON problem with gem delayed_job_mongoid conjunction. [@eagleas, #935]
  • FEAT: Skip ActiveJob integration if there is a better one [@fsateler, #909]
  • FIX: Bugs with send_event in asynchronous mode (#940) [@cstyles, #940]


  • FIX: crash when Process.wait is used [@asBrettisay, #895]


  • FIX: return tags/extra for [@rivayama, #931]


  • FIX: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass [@HazAT, #932]


  • FIX: Remove duplicate message when exception is emitted
  • FIX: Frozen string bug in utf8conversation
  • FEATURE: Allow block on tags_context and extra_context


  • FIX: infinite backoff under pressure [@Bonias, #886]


  • REF: Warn on 4xx error [@iloveitaly, #862]


  • FIX: Call to_s on breadcrumb message [@halkeye, #914]


  • FEATURE: Prepend the transaction around_action so libraries with controllers can alter the value. [@drcapulet, #887]


  • FEATURE: Added support for SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT [@mtsmfm, #910]
  • FEATURE: Added support for SENTRY_RELEASE [@coorasse, #911]


  • FEATURE: Added config.inspect_exception_causes_for_exclusion. Determines if the exception cause should be inspected for config.excluded_exceptions option. [@effron, #872]


  • FEATURE: Added config.before_send. Provide a lambda or proc to this config setting, which will be called before sending an event to Sentry. Receives event and hint as parameters. hint is a hash {:exception => ex | nil, :message => message | nil}. [@hazat, #882]


  • BUGFIX: Correctly handle public only DSNs [@mitsuhiko, #847]
  • BUGFIX: context attributes with nil raised error [@joker-777, 824]
  • BUGFIX: Suppress warning about enabling dyno metadata in Heroku CI [@meganemura, #833]


  • BUGFIX: Fix proxy settings for Faraday [@Strnadj, #820]
  • BUGFIX: Fix duplicated events in ActiveJob w/DelayedJob and Sidekiq [@BrentWheeldon, #815]


  • BUGFIX: GlobalIDs are now displayed correctly in Sidekiq contexts [@louim, #798]
  • BUGFIX: If git is not installed, fail silently during release detection [@nateberkopec]
  • BUGFIX: We do not support rack-timeout <= 0.2, fix errors when incompat version present [@nateberkopec]
  • BUGFIX: Put cookies in the correct spot of event [@nateberkopec, #812]
  • BUGFIX: Exception context is deep_merged [@janklimo, #782]


  • BUGFIX: Fixed LocalJumpError in Rails controllers [@nateberkopec w/@frodsan, #774]


  • FEATURE: Add random sampling. [@nateberkopec, #734]

  • FEATURE: Transactions. See Context docs for usage. [@nateberkopec, #743]

  • FEATURE: You can set the current environment for Sentry via SENTRY_CURRENT_ENV env variable. Useful if your staging environment's RACK_ENV is "production", for example. [@tijmenb, #736]

  • BUGFIX: Fix wrapped classnames in old versions of Sidekiq and ActiveJob [@nateberkopec, #702]

  • BUGFIX: Server names on Heroku were pretty useless before - now they follow the dyno name ("worker.1", "web.2") [@nateberkopec, #703]

  • BUGFIX: ActiveJob::DeserializationError is now ignored by default. Not doing so can cause infinite loops if you are using an ActiveJob async callback. [@nateberkopec, #701]

  • BUGFIX: Binary conversion to UTF-8 when binary is frozen is fixed [@nateberkopec, #757]

  • BUGFIX: Our credit-card regex now matches Sentry's server behavior, which means it does not censor milliseconds since the epoch [@nateberkopec, #771]

  • REFACTOR: We now use an updated port of Rails' deep_merge which should be 5-10% faster [@nateberkopec, #770]

  • REFACTOR: Tests have been cleaned up, and now run in random order. [@nateberkopec]

  • REFACTOR: Raven::Event has been refactored a bit [@nateberkopec]


  • BUGFIX: Fixed typo in the Heroku warning [@greysteil, #728]
  • BUGFIX: Swallow IOErrors when reading the Rack request body [@nateberkopec]
  • BUGFIX: Fix invalid UTF-8/circular references when using async [@nateberkopec, #730]


  • BUGFIX: If using the Sidekiq or DelayedJob adapters with ActiveJob, ActiveJob wouldn't re-raise upon capturing an exception. [@nateberkopec, 5b02ad4ff2]

  • KNOWN ISSUE: When using async, Rack integration is not thread-safe [#721]

  • KNOWN ISSUE: When using async, encoding errors may be raised [#725]


  • BUGFIX: Fix cases where ActionDispatch::RemoteIP would blow up during event creation [@cmoylan, #722]
  • BUGFIX: In ActiveJob, don't report exceptions which can be rescued by rescue_from handlers [@bensheldon, #719]


  • FEATURE: raven-ruby now marks itself as the "ruby" logger by default, to match raven-js behavior [@nateberkopec]

  • FEATURE: You may now override the default sanitization parameters [#712, @nateberkopec]

  • FEATURE: Breadcrumb buffers are now publicly accessible [#686, @nateberkopec]

  • FEATURE: We yell at you now if you're using Heroku but don't have runtime-dyno-metadata enabled [#715, @nateberkopec]

  • FEATURE: project_root will always be set, regardless of framework [#716, @nateberkopec]

  • BUGFIX: Request body and message limits now match Sentry server defaults [#714, @nateberkopec]

  • BUGFIX: Sidekiq context now works as expected [#713, @nateberkopec]

  • BUGFIX: Capture exceptions in ActiveJob when not using Sidekiq adapter [#709, #671, @nateberkopec]


  • BUGFIX: Deal properly with ASCII_8BIT/BINARY encodings [#689, #696, @nateberkopec]


  • BUGFIX: raven test executable should be available [#691, @nateberkopec]

  • BUGFIX: Fix stack overflow when calling Backtrace#inspect [#690, @nateberkopec]

  • KNOWN ISSUE: Character encoding errors [#689]


  • BUGFIX: Fix case where Pathname objects are on the load path [@nateberkopec]

  • BUGFIX: Fix bad UTF-8 characters in the URL querystring [@nateberkopec]

  • BUGFIX: Fix case where rack-timeout could be required twice [@nateberkopec]

  • REFACTOR: Slightly cleaner character encoding fixing [@nateberkopec, @bf4]


  • FEATURE: Greatly improved performance (2-3x faster capture) [@nateberkopec]

  • FEATURE: Frozen objects are now sanitized [@nateberkopec]

  • BUGFIX: Grabbing Sidekiq context from "wrapped" classes works [@nateberkopec]

  • BUGFIX: Relaxed Faraday dependency [@nateberkopec]


  • FEATURE: Allow customization of the Faraday adapter [#639, @StupidCodeFactory]

  • BUGFIX: Report the SDK name as "raven-ruby", not "sentry-raven" [#641, @bretthoerner]

  • BUGFIX: Sidekiq jobs now clear context/breadcrumbs properly between jobs [#637, @drewish]

  • BUGFIX: Overriding the logger in Rails wasn't working [#638, @eugeneius]


  • BUGFIX: Backtrace parser fixed for JRuby 9k [#619, @the-michael-toy]
  • BUGFIX: Rake tasks should show the correct task name [#621, @Bugagazavr]
  • BUGFIX: Formatted messages work if params are nil [#625, @miyachik]
  • BUGFIX: Backtrace logger on failed event send works with custom formatters [#627, @chulkilee]
  • BUGFIX: Fix typo that caused Version headers to not be corrected [#628, @nateberkopec]
  • BUGFIX: Faraday errors are more descriptive when no server response [#629, @drewish]
  • BUGFIX: DelayedJob handler no longer truncates unneccessarily short [#633, @darrennix]
  • BUGFIX: Fix several processors not working correctly w/async jobs stored in backends like Redis [#634, @nateberkopec]


  • CHANGE: Log levels of some messages have been changed. Raven logger is INFO level by default. [@nateberkopec]
  • BUGFIX: Exception messages are now limited to 10,000 bytes. [#617, @mattrobenolt]


  • ENHANCEMENT: Sentry server errors now return some information about the response headers. [#585, @rafadc]
  • BUGFIX/ENHANCEMENT: Frozen objects are no longer sanitized. This prevents some bugs, but you can now also freeze objects if you don't want them to be sanitized by the SanitizeData processor. [#594, @nateberkopec]
  • ENHANCEMENT: The ability to use Raven::Instance alone is greatly improved. You can now call #capture_exception directly on an Instance (#595), give it it's own Logger (#599), and set it's own config which will be used when creating Events (#601). Thanks to
  • ENHANCEMENT: You may now provide your own LineCache-like class to Raven. This is useful if you have source code which is not available on disk. [#606, @nateberkopec]
  • BUGFIX: Raven no longer emits anything to STDOUT if a system command fails [#596, @nateberkopec]
  • ENHANCEMENT: Raven now tells you exactly why it will not send an event in the logs [#602, @nateberkopec]


  • FIX: Remove contexts key, because it was disabling browser auto-tagging [#587, @nateberkopec]


  • Move os context key to server_os [@nateberkopec]


  • FIX: sys_command not falling back to Windows commands properly, logging output [@jmalves, @nateberkopec]


  • FIX: Message params should accept nil [@jmalves, #570]



  • Your client version is now included in all Events. [@nateberkopec, #559]
  • OS and Ruby runtime information now included in all Events. [@nateberkopec, #560]
  • Transport errors (like Sentry 4XX errors) now raise Sentry::Error, not Faraday errors. [@nateberkopec, #565]
  • Sidekiq integration is streamlined and improved. Supports Sidekiq 3.x and up. [@nateberkopec, #555]


  • Heroku release detection is improved and more accurate. You must heroku labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata for it to work. [@nateberkopec, #566]


  • FIX: Don't set up Rack-Timeout middleware. [@janraasch, #558]


  • FIX: UUIDs were being rejected by Sentry as being too long [@nateberkopec]



  • The object passed to the async callback is now a JSON-compatible hash, not a Raven::Event. This fixes many bugs with backend job processors like DelayedJob. [@nateberkopec, #547]
  • Several deprecated accessors have been removed [@nateberkopec, #543]
  • You can no longer pass an object which cannot be called to should_capture [@nateberkopec, #542]


  • Rack::Timeout exceptions are now fingerprinted by URL, making them more useful [@nateberkopec, #538]
  • Added an HTTP header processor by default. We now scrub Authorization headers correctly. You can use config.sanitize_http_headers to add a list of HTTP headers you don't want sent to Sentry (e.g. ["Via", "Referer", "User-Agent", "Server", "From"]) [@nateberkopec]


  • User/Event IP addresses are now set more accurately. This will fix many issues with local proxy setups (nginx, etc). [@nateberkopec, #546]
  • We now generate a real UUID in the correct format for Event IDs [@nateberkopec, #549]
  • If async sending fails, we retry with sync sending. [@nateberkopec, #548]
  • Changed truncation approach - event messages and HTTP bodies now limited to the same amount of characters they're limited to at the Sentry server [@nateberkopec, #536]


  • Codebase cleaned up with Rubocop [@nateberkopec, #544]


  • ENHANCEMENT: Send the current environment to Sentry [@dcramer, #530]
  • BUGFIX: Fix all warnings emitted by Ruby verbose mode [@nateberkopec]
  • BUGFIX: Fix compat with log4r [@nateberkopec, #535]


  • BUGFIX: NameError in DelayedJob integration. [janraasch, #525]


  • BUGFIX: Context clearing should now work properly in DelayedJob and Sidekiq. Also, we properly clear context if Sentry causes an exception. [nateberkopec, #520]
  • BUGFIX: If Sentry will not send the event (due to environments or no DSN set), it will not attempt to "capture" (construct an event) [nateberkopec, #518]


  • FEATURE: Raven now supports Breadcrumbs, though they aren't on by default. Check the docs for how to enable. [dcramer, #497]
  • FEATURE: Raven is no longer a singleton, you may have many Raven::Instances. [phillbaker, #504]
  • PERFORMANCE: Raven no longer uses a vendored JSON implementation. JSON processing and encoding should be up to 6x faster. [dcramer, #510]
  • BUGFIX: silence_ready now works for Rails apps. [ream88, #512]
  • BUGFIX: transport_failure_callback now works correctly [nateberkopec, #508]


  • The client exposes a last_event_id accessor at Raven.last_event_id. [dcramer, #493]
  • PERFORMANCE: Skip identical backtraces from "re-raised" exceptions [databus23, #499]
  • Support for ActionController::Live and Rails template streaming [nateberkopec, #486]


We (i.e. @nateberkopec) decided that raven-ruby has been stable enough for some time that it's time for a 1.0.0 release!


  • Dropped support for Ruby 1.8.7 [nateberkopec, #465]
  • raven-ruby no longer reports form POST data or web cookies by default. To re-enable this behavior, remove the appropriate Processors from your config (see docs or PR) [nateberkopec, #466]
  • UDP transport has been removed [dcramer, #472]


  • Improved performance [zanker]
  • Deprecated config.catch_debugged_exceptions, replaced with config.rails_report_rescued_exceptions. catch_debugged_exceptions will be removed in 1.1. [nateberkopec, #483]
  • Added config.transport_failure_callback. Provide a lambda or proc to this config setting, which will be called when Sentry returns a 4xx/5xx response. [nateberkopec, #484]
  • JRuby builds fixed [RobinDaugherty]
  • Fix problems with duplicate exceptions and Exception.cause [dcramer, #490]
  • Added Exception Context. Any Exception class can define a raven_context instance variable, which will be merged into any Event's context which contains this exception. [nateberkopec, #491]
  • Documentation from shaneog, squirly, dcramer, ehfeng, nateberkopec.


  • Fixed bug where return value of debug middleware was nil [eugeneius, #461]
  • Fixed a bug in checking catch_debugged_exceptions [greysteil, #458]
  • Fixed a deprecation warning for Rails 5 [Elektron1c97, #457]


  • DelayedJob integration fixed when last_error not present [dcramer, #454]
  • Release detection doesn't overwrite manual release setting in Rails [eugeneius, #450]
  • Deal properly with Cap 3.0/3.1 revision logs [timcheadle, #449]
  • Rails 5 support [nateberkopec, #423]


  • DelayedJob integration now also truncates last_error to 100 characters [nateberkopec]
  • Fix several issues with release detection - silence git log message, fix Capistrano detection [nateberkopec, kkumler]


  • Double exception reporting in Rails FIXED! [nateberkopec, #422]
  • Rails 3 users having issues with undefined runner fixed [nateberkopec, #428]
  • Sidekiq integration works properly when ActiveJob enabled [mattrobenolt]
  • Fix problems with invalid UTF-8 in exception messages [nateberkopec, #426]
  • Backtraces now consider "exe" directories part of the app [nateberkopec, #420]
  • Sinatra::NotFound now ignored by default [drcapulet, #383]
  • Release versions now properly set. Support for Heroku, Capistrano, and Git. [iloveitaly #377, Sija #380]
  • DelayedJob integration plays well with ActiveJob [kkumler, #378]
  • DelayedJob handlers now truncated [nateberkopec, #431]
  • Tons of code quality improvements [amatsuda, ddrmanxbxfr, pmbrent, cpizzaia, wdhorton, PepperTeasdale]


  • Reverted ActiveJob support due to conflicts [#368]


  • Fix ActiveJob support [greysteil, #367]


  • Remove Certifi and use default Ruby SSL config [zanker, #352]
  • Support for fingerprint [dcramer]
  • Improved documentation and tests around various attributes [dcramer]
  • Allow configurable integrations [cthornton]
  • Prevent recursion with Exception.cause [dcramer, #357]
  • Use empty hash if false-y value [GeekOnCoffee, #354]
  • Correct some behavior with at_exit error capturing [kratob, #355]
  • Sanitize matches whole words [alyssa, #361]
  • Expose more debugging info to active_job integration [tonywok, #365]
  • Capture exceptions swallowed by rails [robertclancy, #343]
  • Sanitize the query string when the key is a symbol [jason-o-matic, #349]
  • Moved documentation to [mitsuhiko]


  • Correct handling of JRuby stacktraces [dcramer]
  • Better handling of unreachable file contexts [dcramer, #335]
  • SSL is now default ON [dcramer, #338]
  • Capture exceptions in runner tasks [eugeneius, #339]
  • ActiveJob integration [lucasmazza, #327]
  • Cleanup return values of async blocks [lucasmazza, #344]
  • Better handling when sending NaN/Infinity JSON values [Alric, #345]
  • Fix issues with digest/md5 namespace [lsb, #346]


  • Fix a deprecation warning being shown in regular operation [ripta, #332]


  • DelayedJob integration now includes the job id [javawizard, #321]
  • Rails integration now works properly when you're not using all parts of Rails (e.g. just ActiveRecord) [lucasmazza, #323]
  • Bugfix CLI tool when async config is on [if1live, #324]
  • Fix and standardize tag hierarchies. Event tags > context tags > configuration tags in all cases. [JonathanBatten, #322 and eugeneius, #330]
  • Using #send on Client, Base, and Transports is now deprecated. See the commit (or the deprecation message) for their replacements. [nateberkopec, #326]
  • You can now disable credit-card-like value filtering. [codekitchen, #329]


  • Raven::Transports::HTTP#send returns the response now. [eagletmt, #317]
  • Filenames now work a lot better when you vendor your gems. [eugeneius, #316]
  • Fix raven:test issue when testing non-async configurations. [weynsee, #318]
  • Fix blockless Raven#capture. [dinosaurjr, #320]
  • Fix some log messages [eagletmt, #319]


  • Support exception chaining [javawizard, #312]
  • Add support for sending release version [eugeneius, #310]
  • Better status reports on configuration [faber, #309]
  • Client "send" method accepts an event in object or hash format - this will make it much easier to send Sentry events in a delayed job! [marclennox, #300]
  • Fix duplicate fields in SanitizeData [wyattisimo, #294]
  • Always preserve filename paths under project_root [eugeneius, #291]
  • Truncate project root prefixes from filenames [eagletmt, #278]
  • Renamed should_send callback to should_capture [nateberkopec, #270]
  • Silencing the ready message now happens in the config as normal [nateberkopec, #260]
  • Various internal refactorings see here


  • URL query parameters are now sanitized for sensitive data [pcorliss, #275]
  • Raven::Client can now use a proxy server when sending events to Sentry [dcramer, #277]
  • Raven::Client will now use a timed backoff strategy if the server fails [codekitchen, #267]
  • Automatic integration loading is now a lot less brittle [dcramer, handlers, #263, #264]
  • Fixed some issues with prefixes and DSN strings [nateberkopec, #259]
  • If Raven is initialized without a server config, it will no longer send events [nateberkopec, #258]
  • Slightly nicer credit-card-like number scrubbing [nateberkopec, #254]
  • Fix some exceptions not being caught by Sidekiq middleware [nateberkopec, #251]
  • Uncommon types are now encoded correctly [nateberkopec, #249]


  • Security fix where exponential numbers in specially crafted params could cause a CPU attack [dcramer, #262]


  • Integrations (Sidekiq, DelayedJob, etc) now load independently of your Gemfile order. [nateberkopec, #236]
  • Fixed bug where setting tags mutated your configuration [berg, #239]
  • Fixed several issues with SanitizeData and UTF8 sanitization processors [nateberkopec, #238, #241, #244]


  • You can now give additional fields to the SanitizeData processor. Values matched are replaced by the string mask (*********). Full documentation (and how to use with Rails config.filter_parameters) here. [jamescway, #232]
  • An additional processor has been added, though it isn't turned on by default: RemoveStacktrace. Use it to remove stacktraces from exception reports. [nateberkopec, #233]
  • Dependency on uuidtools has been removed. [nateberkopec, #231]


  • Fix some issues with the SanitizeData processor when processing strings that look like JSON


  • Raven now captures exceptions in Rake tasks automatically. [nateberkopec, troelskn #222]
  • There is now a configuration option called should_send that can be configured to use a Proc to determine whether or not an event should be sent to Sentry. This can be used to implement rate limiters, etc. [nateberkopec, #221]
  • Raven now includes three event processors by default instead of one, which can be turned on and off independently. [nateberkopec, #223]
  • Fixed bug with YAJL compatibility. [nateberkopec, #223]


  • Updated to RSpec 3.
  • Apply filters to encoded JSON data.


  • Events are now sent to Sentry in all environments. To change this behavior, either unset SENTRY_DSN or explicitly configure it via Raven.configure.
  • gzip is now the default encoding
  • Removed hashie dependency


  • Native support for Delayed::Job [pkuczynski, #176]
  • Updated to Sentry protocol version 5


  • Rails 2 support [sluukonen, #45]
  • Controller methods in Rails [jfirebaugh]
  • Runs by default in any environment other than test, cucumber, or development. [#81]