A Shuriken for learning Tweeter API and Sentiment Analysis using AlchemyAPI
Listen to what Rebecca has said: Using Twitter's API pull's Rebecca's tweets of yesterday and today.
Analyze her sentiments. Analyze the tweets you pulled from Rebecca using the sentiment analsis of AlchemyAPI. You have 1000 free calls, so that should be more than enough.
Tell us how Rebecca felt yesterday and today. From the Twitter account that you used to register in getshuriken.com, give us a mention (@getshuriken) formated in the following way:
Hey @getshuriken, @MSREBECCABLACK was feeling 'X' [happy|sad] yesterday and 'Y' [happy|sad] today Where X and Y is the number that the AlchemyAPI returns for the analyzed piece of text.
Select the words "happy" or "sad" according to the value.
You can use any language you want. Please document your code for other people to understand it. You must submit push your code to a GitHub repo Time to Challenge: 2 to 4 hours.
Alchemy API: http://www.alchemyapi.com/products/ Twitter API: https://dev.twitter.com How to obtain your Twitter API: https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/631 Sentiment Analysis Wiki (Just for fun, you do not need this for solving the challenge): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentiment_analysis