This repository serves as a collection of Applescript snippets that can be used individually or part of a larger project. Many of these snippets were written as I was learning to use Applescript, and may not represent the best method of undertaking a particular task. Feel free to open an issue or pull request if you find that any of these files do not work for you.
Copies of this repository exist at Github and Gitlab.
- Application Services
- Display Settings
- File and Folder Actions
- Location Helper Scripts
- Markdown Tools
- Notational Velocity
- Pandoc and Textutils
- Reminders App
- Snippets
- Sound Scripts
- Temperature Conversion
- Terminal
- Time and Date
- Miscellaneous
- Caffeine App (or here) - a menu bar application that prevents your monitor from sleeping. (If you don't want an extra application in your menubar, here is a different way, and if you're on 10.8+ you can go ahead and use this command. Both work via
do shell script
.) - Pandoc and Textutil - document conversion via the command line.
requires GoogleCL, which is also useful for blogger, google calendar, and contacts- GoogleCL is sadly defunct. Any associated scripts remain for posterity.
- I have also created a few Gists for more specific applescript/bash related tasks.
- Also, check out my Alfred Workflows, including dued, which may be my favorite creation.
Tools for Developing Scripts
- Location Helper - use core location in applescripts.
- Twitter Scripter - interact with Twitter via applescript.
- CursorCoordinates - get x,y coordinates for clicking and window positions.
- Dialog Maker - tool to help create dialog boxes
- Script Debugger - An integrated development environment for Applescript
A non-exhaustive list of interesting Applescript resources on Github:
Note Taking/Task Management
- iTerm and Sublime Text
- Custom Iterm Applescripts for Alfred
- Execute Applescript with Node.js
- Execute Applescript with Go
Other useful Applescript resources / tutorials / etc
- MacOSX Automation/Applescript
- written by Sal Soghoian, the former Apple product manager for automation technologies
- MacScripter Forums
- MacRumors/Mac Programming Forum
- not explicitly applescript related, but searching for "Applescript" provides some useful results
For JavaScript Users
- JavaScript for Automation Cookbook
- JavaScript was added as a MacOS automation tool in version 10.10. If you are familiar with (or would prefer to learn) JavaScript, this cookbook is a great resource.
Scripts in this repo were tested on OS X/MacOS Lion through Sierra. Please open an issue or pull request if a script does not work as intended.
If you have a script, snippet, or resource that you'd like me to include in this repo, feel free to open a new pull request.
- Reorganize repo and readme
- Use better (more descriptive) filenames