Mongo Aggregation Debugger helps debug MongoDb aggregation queries by being able to visualize each stage of the pipeline
It is pretty hard to understand why a specific aggregation query fails or doesn't output the right results since it can be pretty complex and go through a lot of stages before returning values.
The Mongo Aggregation Debugger helps you understand what is going on by either:
- outputting in the console the results of each stage of the aggregation pipeline
- returning an array of results of each stage of teh aggregation pipeline for programmatic use
- running the query in a temporary database and outputting the results, very useful for automated testing
You give the debugger access to your instance of mongodb, and it creates a temporary collection in which it will run each stage of the aggregation query in series. The temporary database is dropped after each debug.
npm install mongo-aggregation-debugger
var mad = require('mongo-aggregation-debugger')();
You can provide an optional object as an argument to specify the mongodb connection information:
key | default value | description |
host | localhost |
mongodb host name |
port | 27017 |
mongodb port number |
username | null |
(optional) username of the mongodb instance |
password | null |
(optional) password of the mongodb instance |
options | {} |
(optional) additional mongodb options |
This method outputs in the console the result of each stage of the aggregation pipeline.
log(data, query[, options][, callback])
argument | type | values | description |
data | array |
The data to run the query against | |
query | array |
The aggregation query | |
options | object |
showQuery : boolean |
Whether to show the query of the stage being run or not |
callback | function(err) |
The callback returned when all stages were executed |
var mad = require('mongo-aggregation-debugger')();
var data = [{
foo: 'bar',
test: true,
array: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
}, {
foo: 'bar2',
test: false,
array: [ 10, 20 ]
var query = [{
'$match': {
test: true
}, {
'$project': {
foo: 1,
array: 1
}, {
'$unwind': "$array"
}, {
'$group': {
_id: "$foo",
foo: { $first: "$foo" },
sum: { $sum: "$array" }
mad.log(data, query, function (err) {
if (err) {
// do something
console.log('All done!');
Running the code above would output this in your console:
Example with the showQuery
mad.log(data, query, { showQuery: true }, function (err) {
if (err) {
// do something
console.log('All done!');
This method returns the result of each stage of the aggregation pipeline for programmatic use.
stages(data, query[, callback])
argument | type | description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
data | array
| The data to run the query against
query | array
| The aggregation query
callback | function(err, results)
| results
is an array composed of as many objects as there are stages in the aggregation pipeline. Each object has a query
attribute which is the query of the stage and a result
attribute with the results of that query
var util = require('util');
var mad = require('mongo-aggregation-debugger')();
var data = [{
foo: 'bar',
test: true,
array: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
}, {
foo: 'bar2',
test: false,
array: [ 10, 20 ]
var query = [{
'$match': {
test: true
}, {
'$project': {
foo: 1,
array: 1
}, {
'$unwind': "$array"
}, {
'$group': {
_id: "$foo",
foo: { $first: "$foo" },
sum: { $sum: "$array" }
mad.stages(data, query, function (err, results) {
if (err) {
// do something
console.log(util.inspect(results, { depth: null }));
The output is:
[ { query: [ { '$match': { test: true } } ],
[ { _id: 5599279a731b5aba47df6d97,
foo: 'bar',
test: true,
array: [ 1, 2, 3 ] } ] },
{ query:
[ { '$match': { test: true } },
{ '$project': { foo: 1, array: 1 } } ],
results: [ { _id: 5599279a731b5aba47df6d97, foo: 'bar', array: [ 1, 2, 3 ] } ] },
{ query:
[ { '$match': { test: true } },
{ '$project': { foo: 1, array: 1 } },
{ '$unwind': '$array' } ],
[ { _id: 5599279a731b5aba47df6d97, foo: 'bar', array: 1 },
{ _id: 5599279a731b5aba47df6d97, foo: 'bar', array: 2 },
{ _id: 5599279a731b5aba47df6d97, foo: 'bar', array: 3 } ] },
{ query:
[ { '$match': { test: true } },
{ '$project': { foo: 1, array: 1 } },
{ '$unwind': '$array' },
{ '$group':
{ _id: '$foo',
foo: { '$first': '$foo' },
sum: { '$sum': '$array' } } } ],
results: [ { _id: 'bar', foo: 'bar', sum: 6 } ] } ]
This method only runs the entire query passed, not all the stages seperately. It is useful for automated tests since it creates and drops a temporary database.
exec(data, query[, callback])
argument | type | description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
data | array
| The data to run the query against
query | array
| The aggregation query
callback | function(err, results)
| results
is the results of the query being run
var util = require('util');
var mad = require('mongo-aggregation-debugger')();
var data = [{
foo: 'bar',
test: true,
array: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
}, {
foo: 'bar2',
test: false,
array: [ 10, 20 ]
var query = [{
'$match': {
test: true
}, {
'$project': {
foo: 1,
array: 1
}, {
'$unwind': "$array"
}, {
'$group': {
_id: "$foo",
foo: { $first: "$foo" },
sum: { $sum: "$array" }
mad.exec(data, query, function (err, results) {
if (err) {
// do something
console.log(util.inspect(results, { depth: null }));
The output is:
[ { _id: 'bar', foo: 'bar', sum: 6 } ]
In order to test this lib you'll need to install mocha: npm install -g mocha
Then just run the mocha
command at the root of the project.
If you think it would make sense to add some features/methods don't hesitate to fork and make pull requests.
You can contact the main contributor on Twitter
Distributed under the MIT License.