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introduce LocalFixedRole etc.
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gfngfn committed Feb 13, 2024
1 parent b7598ea commit 0218336
Showing 1 changed file with 80 additions and 20 deletions.
100 changes: 80 additions & 20 deletions src-saphe/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

open PackageSystemBase
open MyUtil

module SolverInput = struct
Expand All @@ -11,6 +12,10 @@ module SolverInput = struct
requires : package_dependency list;
context : package_context;
| LocalFixedRole of {
absolute_path : abs_path;
context : package_context;
| RegisteredRole of {
registered_package_id : RegisteredPackageId.t;
compatibility : string;
Expand All @@ -23,6 +28,9 @@ module SolverInput = struct
| TargetRole(_) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "target"

| LocalFixedRole{ absolute_path; _ } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "local '%s'" (get_abs_path_string absolute_path)

| RegisteredRole{ registered_package_id; _ } ->
let RegisteredPackageId.{ package_name; _ } = registered_package_id in
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" package_name
Expand All @@ -39,6 +47,16 @@ module SolverInput = struct
| (_, TargetRole(_)) ->

| ( LocalFixedRole{ absolute_path = abspath1; _ },
LocalFixedRole{ absolute_path = abspath2; _ }) -> abspath1 abspath2

| (LocalFixedRole(_), _) ->

| (_, LocalFixedRole(_)) ->

| ( RegisteredRole{ registered_package_id = regpkgid1; compatibility = c1; _ },
RegisteredRole{ registered_package_id = regpkgid2; compatibility = c2; _ }) ->
Expand All @@ -56,13 +74,15 @@ module SolverInput = struct
(* Unused *)
type command_name = string

type restriction = SemanticVersion.requirement
type restriction =
| VersionRequirement of SemanticVersion.requirement
| AsIs

type dependency =
| Dependency of {
role : Role.t;
used_as : string;
version_requirement : SemanticVersion.requirement;
role : Role.t;
used_as : string;
restriction : restriction;

type dep_info = {
Expand All @@ -81,6 +101,10 @@ module SolverInput = struct
| TargetImpl of {
dependencies : dependency list;
| LocalFixedImpl of {
absolute_path : abs_path;
dependencies : dependency list;
| Impl of {
package_name : package_name;
version : SemanticVersion.t;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,6 +134,9 @@ module SolverInput = struct
| TargetImpl(_) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "target"

| LocalFixedImpl{ absolute_path; _ } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "local '%s'" (get_abs_path_string absolute_path)

| Impl{ package_name; version; _ } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s %s" package_name (SemanticVersion.to_string version)

Expand All @@ -127,6 +154,7 @@ module SolverInput = struct
match impl with
| DummyImpl -> Format.fprintf ppf "dummy"
| TargetImpl(_) -> Format.fprintf ppf "target"
| LocalFixedImpl(_) -> Format.fprintf ppf "as-is"
| Impl{ version; _ } -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (SemanticVersion.to_string version)

Expand All @@ -142,9 +170,10 @@ module SolverInput = struct

let requires (_role : Role.t) (impl : impl) : dependency list * command_name list =
match impl with
| DummyImpl -> ([], [])
| TargetImpl{ dependencies } -> (dependencies, [])
| Impl{ dependencies; _ } -> (dependencies, [])
| DummyImpl -> ([], [])
| TargetImpl{ dependencies } -> (dependencies, [])
| LocalFixedImpl{ dependencies; _} -> (dependencies, [])
| Impl{ dependencies; _ } -> (dependencies, [])

(* Unused *)
Expand All @@ -168,7 +197,7 @@ module SolverInput = struct
Dependency{ role; used_as; version_requirement }
Dependency{ role; used_as; restriction = VersionRequirement(version_requirement) }

Expand All @@ -183,10 +212,11 @@ module SolverInput = struct
SemanticVersion.get_compatibility_unit semver
let role = Role.RegisteredRole{ registered_package_id; compatibility; context } in
Dependency{ role; used_as; version_requirement }
Dependency{ role; used_as; restriction = VersionRequirement(version_requirement) }

| LocalFixedDependency{ absolute_path = _ } ->
failwith "TODO: make_internal_dependency, LocalFixedDependency"
| LocalFixedDependency{ absolute_path } ->
let role = Role.LocalFixedRole{ absolute_path; context } in
Dependency{ role; used_as; restriction = AsIs }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,15 +246,20 @@ module SolverInput = struct
{ replacement = None; impls }

| LocalFixedRole{ absolute_path; context = _ } ->
let dependencies = failwith "TODO: implementations, LocalFixedRole, dependencies" in
let impls = [ LocalFixedImpl{ absolute_path; dependencies } ] in
{ replacement = None; impls }

| TargetRole{ requires; context } ->
let dependencies = make_internal_dependency context requires in
let impls = [ TargetImpl{ dependencies } ] in
{ replacement = None; impls }

let restrictions (dep : dependency) : restriction list =
let Dependency{ version_requirement; _ } = dep in
[ version_requirement ]
let Dependency{ restriction; _ } = dep in
[ restriction ]

let meets_restriction (impl : impl) (restr : restriction) : bool =
Expand All @@ -235,11 +270,21 @@ module SolverInput = struct
| TargetImpl(_) ->

| LocalFixedImpl(_) ->
match restr with
| AsIs -> true
| _ -> false

| Impl{ version = semver_provided; _} ->
match restr with
| CompatibleWith(semver_required) ->
| VersionRequirement(SemanticVersion.CompatibleWith(semver_required)) ->
SemanticVersion.is_compatible ~old:semver_required ~new_:semver_provided

| AsIs ->

Expand All @@ -250,7 +295,7 @@ module SolverInput = struct

let conflict_class (impl : impl) : conflict_class list =
match impl with
| DummyImpl | TargetImpl(_) ->
| DummyImpl | TargetImpl(_) | LocalFixedImpl(_) ->
[ "*" ]

| Impl{ package_name; version; _ } ->
Expand All @@ -272,6 +317,10 @@ module SolverInput = struct
| (TargetImpl(_), _) -> 1
| (_, TargetImpl(_)) -> -1

| (LocalFixedImpl(_), LocalFixedImpl(_)) -> 0
| (LocalFixedImpl(_), _) -> 1
| (_, LocalFixedImpl(_)) -> -1

| (Impl{ version = semver1; _ }, Impl{ version = semver2; _ }) -> semver1 semver2

Expand All @@ -286,7 +335,11 @@ module SolverInput = struct

let string_of_restriction (restr : restriction) : string =
match restr with
| CompatibleWith(semver) -> SemanticVersion.to_string semver
| VersionRequirement(SemanticVersion.CompatibleWith(semver)) ->
Printf.sprintf "^%s" (SemanticVersion.to_string semver)

| AsIs ->

let describe_problem (_impl : impl) (_rej : rejection) : string =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,6 +405,9 @@ let solve (context : package_context) (dependencies_with_flags : (dependency_fla
| DummyImpl | TargetImpl(_) ->

| LocalFixedImpl(_) ->
acc (* TODO: reconsider this *)

| Impl{ package_name; version = locked_version; registry_hash_value; source; dependencies } ->
let registered_package_id = RegisteredPackageId.{ registry_hash_value; package_name } in
let package_id = PackageId.Registered(registered_package_id) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,10 +446,17 @@ let solve (context : package_context) (dependencies_with_flags : (dependency_fla
dependencies |> List.fold_left (fun (locked_dependency_acc, graph) dep ->
let Dependency{ role = role_dep; used_as; _ } = dep in
match role_dep with
| TargetRole(_) ->
(locked_dependency_acc, graph)

| LocalFixedRole(_) ->
(locked_dependency_acc, graph)
(* TODO: reconsider this *)

| RegisteredRole{ registered_package_id = registered_package_id_dep; _ } ->
let lock_dep =
match rolemap |> Output.RoleMap.find_opt role_dep |> Output.unwrap with
| None | Some(DummyImpl) | Some(TargetImpl(_)) ->
| None | Some(DummyImpl) | Some(TargetImpl(_)) | Some(LocalFixedImpl(_)) ->
assert false

| Some(Impl{ version = version_dep; _ }) ->
Expand All @@ -417,9 +480,6 @@ let solve (context : package_context) (dependencies_with_flags : (dependency_fla
let graph = graph |> LockDependencyGraph.add_edge ~from:vertex ~to_:vertex_dep in
(locked_dependency_acc, graph)

| TargetRole(_) ->
(locked_dependency_acc, graph)

) (Alist.empty, graph)
let locked_dependencies = Alist.to_list locked_dependency_acc in
Expand Down

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