#ECE497 ##Homework
Assignment | Demo | Description |
HW01 | An implementation of an Etch-A-Sketch in C++. Allows drawing, resizing of the Etch-A-Sketch area, and clearing the Etch-A-Sketch area. Click the image to the left or the assignment number to visit this project. |
HW02 | A new Etch-A-Sketch implementation. Appears and functions exactly the same as the one in HW01, except this one's in Javascript instead of C++ and supports inputs and outputs from the GPIO! Click the image to the left or the assignment number to visit this project. |
HW03 | Four projects, including: reading two TMP101 sensors with a shell script, setting and waiting for an alert on a TMP101 in JavaScript, reading a TMP006, and the Etch-A-Sketch from the previous homework with an LED matrix. Click the image to the left or the assignment number to visit this project. |
HW04 | Two separate projects. The first uses mmap() to readtwo GPIO pins and control the USR0 and USR1 LEDs. The second allows an LED matrix to be controlled by a web interface. The interface allows drawing using all three colors, as well as changing the brightness of the LED matrix. Click the image to the left or the assignment number to visit this project. |
HW05 | Three exercises (make, kernel, and cross-compiling) and a demo on pushing data to the cloud. The demo reads two temperature sensors and sends the data to a Phant server in the cloud. The data can be retrieved later and plotted using Plotly. |