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llama.vim : add ring context from opened files and yanked text
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ggerganov committed Oct 13, 2024
1 parent 8415b84 commit d2c559a
Showing 1 changed file with 114 additions and 20 deletions.
134 changes: 114 additions & 20 deletions examples/llama.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,27 +38,49 @@
highlight llama_hl_hint guifg=#ff772f
highlight llama_hl_info guifg=#77ff2f

" endpoint: llama.cpp server endpoint
" n_prefix: number of lines before the cursor location to include in the prefix
" n_suffix: number of lines after the cursor location to include in the suffix
" n_predict: max number of tokens to predict
" t_max_prompt_ms: max alloted time for the prompt generation (TODO: not yet supported)
" t_max_predict_ms: max alloted time for the prediction
" show_info: show extra info about the inference
" auto_fim: trigger FIM completion automatically on cursor movement
" general parameters:
" endpoint: llama.cpp server endpoint
" n_prefix: number of lines before the cursor location to include in the prefix
" n_suffix: number of lines after the cursor location to include in the suffix
" n_predict: max number of tokens to predict
" t_max_prompt_ms: max alloted time for the prompt generation (TODO: not yet supported)
" t_max_predict_ms: max alloted time for the prediction
" show_info: show extra info about the inference (0 - disabled, 1 - statusline, 2 - inline)
" auto_fim: trigger FIM completion automatically on cursor movement
" ring buffer of chunks, accumulated with time upon:
" - completion request
" - yank
" - reading a file
" ring context parameters:
" ring_n_chunks: max number of chunks to pass as extra context to the server (0 to disable)
" ring_chunk_size: max size of the chunks (in number of lines)
" ring_scope: the range around the cursor position (in number of lines) for gathering chunks
let s:default_config = {
\ 'endpoint': '',
\ 'n_prefix': 256,
\ 'n_suffix': 256,
\ 'n_prefix': 128,
\ 'n_suffix': 128,
\ 'n_predict': 64,
\ 't_max_prompt_ms': 500,
\ 't_max_predict_ms': 200,
\ 'show_info': v:true,
\ 'show_info': 2,
\ 'auto_fim': v:true,
\ 'ring_n_chunks': 32,
\ 'ring_chunk_size': 64,
\ 'ring_scope': 1024,
\ }

let g:llama_config = get(g:, 'llama_config', s:default_config)

function! s:rand(i0, i1) abort
return a:i0 + rand() % (a:i1 - a:i0 + 1)

function! llama#init()
if !executable('curl')
echohl WarningMsg
Expand All @@ -76,6 +98,9 @@ function! llama#init()
let s:line_cur_prefix = ''
let s:line_cur_suffix = ''

let s:ring_n_chunks = []

let s:pos_y_pick = -9999 " last y where we picked a chunk
let s:pos_dx = 0
let s:content = []
let s:can_accept = v:false
Expand All @@ -91,12 +116,55 @@ function! llama#init()
autocmd InsertEnter * inoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-F> <C-O>:call llama#fim(v:false)<CR>
autocmd InsertLeavePre * call llama#fim_cancel()

autocmd CursorMoved * call llama#fim_cancel()
autocmd CursorMoved * call llama#fim_cancel()

autocmd TextYankPost * if v:event.operator ==# 'y' | call s:pick_chunk(v:event.regcontents, v:false) | endif

autocmd BufEnter * call timer_start(100, {-> s:pick_chunk(getline(max([1, line('.') - g:llama_config.ring_chunk_size/2]), min([line('.') + g:llama_config.ring_chunk_size/2, line('$')])), v:true)})
augroup END

silent! call llama#fim_cancel()

function! s:pick_chunk(text, no_mod)
" do not pick chunks from buffers with pending changes or buffers that are not files
if a:no_mod && (getbufvar(bufnr('%'), '&modified') || !buflisted(bufnr('%')) || !filereadable(expand('%')))

if g:llama_config.ring_n_chunks <= 0

if len(a:text) + 1 < g:llama_config.ring_chunk_size
let l:chunk = join(a:text, "\n")
let l:l0 = s:rand(0, len(a:text) - g:llama_config.ring_chunk_size)
let l:l1 = l:l0 + g:llama_config.ring_chunk_size

let l:chunk = join(a:text[l:l0:l:l1], "\n")

" check if this chunk is already added
let l:exist = v:false
for i in range(len(s:ring_n_chunks))
if s:ring_n_chunks[i] == l:chunk
let l:exist = v:true

if l:exist

if len(s:ring_n_chunks) == g:llama_config.ring_n_chunks
call remove(s:ring_n_chunks, 0)

call add(s:ring_n_chunks, l:chunk)

function! llama#fim(is_auto) abort
let s:t_fim_start = reltime()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,6 +196,20 @@ function! llama#fim(is_auto) abort
\ . join(l:lines_suffix, "\n")
\ . "\n"

" TODO: per-file location
let l:delta_y = abs(s:pos_y - s:pos_y_pick)

" only gather chunks if the cursor has moved a lot
if a:is_auto && l:delta_y > 32
" pick a prefix chunk
call s:pick_chunk(getline(max([1, s:pos_y - g:llama_config.ring_scope]), max([1, s:pos_y - g:llama_config.n_prefix])), v:false)

"" pick a suffix chunk
call s:pick_chunk(getline(min([l:max_y, s:pos_y + g:llama_config.n_suffix]), min([l:max_y, s:pos_y + g:llama_config.ring_scope])), v:false)

let s:pos_y_pick = s:pos_y

let l:request = json_encode({
\ 'prompt': "",
\ 'input_prefix': l:prefix,
Expand All @@ -137,7 +219,8 @@ function! llama#fim(is_auto) abort
\ 'top_k': 100,
\ 'stream': v:false,
\ 'samplers': ["top_k", "infill"],
"\ 'cache_prompt': v:true,
\ 'cache_prompt': v:true,
\ 'extra_context': s:ring_n_chunks,
\ 't_max_prompt_ms': g:llama_config.t_max_prompt_ms,
\ 't_max_predict_ms': g:llama_config.t_max_predict_ms
\ })
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,6 +318,7 @@ function! s:fim_auto()
call jobstop(s:current_job)

" TODO: when job cancellation is implemented on the server, reduce these timeouts
if reltimefloat(reltime(s:t_fim_last)) < 500*0.001
if s:timer_fim != -1
call timer_stop(s:timer_fim)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,6 +368,11 @@ function! s:fim_on_stdout(job_id, data, event) dict
call remove(s:content, -1)

let l:generation_settings = get(l:response, 'generation_settings', {})
let l:n_ctx = get(l:generation_settings, 'n_ctx', 0)

let l:n_cached = get(l:response, 'tokens_cached', 0)

" if response.timings is available
if len(get(l:response, 'timings', {})) > 0
let l:has_info = v:true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,21 +411,26 @@ function! s:fim_on_stdout(job_id, data, event) dict
let l:id_vt_info = nvim_create_namespace('vt_info')

" construct the info message and display it to the right of the current line
if g:llama_config.show_info && l:has_info
if g:llama_config.show_info > 0 && l:has_info
" prefix the info string with whitespace in order to offset it to the right of the fim overlay
let l:prefix = repeat(' ', len(s:content[0]) - len(s:line_cur_suffix) + 3)

let l:info = printf("%s | prompt: %d (%.2f ms, %.2f t/s) | predict: %d (%.2f ms, %.2f t/s) | total: %.2f ms",
\ l:prefix,
let l:info = printf("%s | context: %d / %d | prompt: %d (%.2f ms, %.2f t/s) | predict: %d (%.2f ms, %.2f t/s) | total: %.2f ms",
\ g:llama_config.show_info == 2 ? l:prefix : '',
\ l:n_cached, l:n_ctx,
\ l:n_prompt, l:t_prompt_ms, l:s_prompt,
\ l:n_predict, l:t_predict_ms, l:s_predict,
\ 1000.0 * reltimefloat(reltime(s:t_fim_start))
\ )

call nvim_buf_set_extmark(l:bufnr, l:id_vt_info, s:pos_y - 1, s:pos_x - 1, {
\ 'virt_text': [[l:info, 'llama_hl_info']],
\ 'virt_text_pos': 'eol',
\ })
if g:llama_config.show_info == 1
let &statusline = l:info
elseif g:llama_config.show_info == 2
call nvim_buf_set_extmark(l:bufnr, l:id_vt_info, s:pos_y - 1, s:pos_x - 1, {
\ 'virt_text': [[l:info, 'llama_hl_info']],
\ 'virt_text_pos': 'eol',
\ })

" display the suggestion
Expand Down

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