A php library for building json-rpc clients and servers.
Originally bundled as part of the phpxmlrpc/extras package.
At the moment it only (partially) supports version 1.0 of the JSON-RPC protocol. Features still to be implemented are: multicall, notifications, peer-to-peer communication.
- Support for creating both jsonrpc clients and servers
- Support for http features including compression of both requests and responses, cookies, proxies, basic auth, https, ntlm auth and keepalives with the php cURL extension
- Optional validation of parameter types of incoming jsonrpc request
- Possibility to register existing php function or class methods as webservices, extracting value-added information from phpdoc comments
- Support for system.listMethods, system.methodHelp, system.multicall and system.getCapabilities methods
- Support for UTF8, Latin-1 and ASCII character encodings. With the php mbstring extension enabled, even more character sets are supported.
- A web based visual debugger is included with the library
- PHP >= 5.4.0
- PHP Json extension
- phpxmlrpc/phpxmlrpc >= 4.10.1
Via Composer
Use of this software is subject to the terms in the license.txt file