This repository accompanies The aim is to provide a mostly hassle-free way to use Helixer via Docker (or Apptainer/Singularity). For more information on how to run Helixer, please refer to its documentation.
- Prerequisites (on host):
- Nvidia GPU with CUDA capabilities >=6.1; installed driver version >=525.60.13
Note that the code will run on the CPU if an Nvidia GPU or appropriate drivers are not available. However, the wall time requirements will increase substantially. If not running on the GPU exclude the parameter
--gpus all
when runningdocker run
, or the parameter--nv
when runningsingularity run
, respectively.
- Prepare, install Docker ( and the Nvidia Container Toolkit ( (on host), e.g. for ubuntu. Please also be aware of Dockers Firewall limitations mentioned on the installation instructions website.
Note: The Nvidia-Docker wrapper ( has been deprecated. It is recommended to switch to the Nvidia Container Toolkit to use Helixer via Docker.
# install Docker #
# Add Docker's official GPG key:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
sudo curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
# Add the repository to Apt sources:
echo \
"deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] \
$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
# install the latest Docker packages
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
# verify Docker installation
sudo docker run hello-world
# install Nvidia Container Toolkit #
# configure the production repository
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg \
&& curl -s -L | \
sed 's#deb https://#deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg] https://#g' | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-container-toolkit.list
# update the packages list from the repository
sudo apt update
# install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit packages
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit
# configure Docker #
# configure the container runtime
sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=docker
# restart the Docker daemon
sudo systemctl restart docker
# Hint: you can also configure Docker in rootless mode (see the Nvidia Container Toolkit installation instructions website)
docker pull gglyptodon/helixer-docker:helixer_v0.3.4_cuda_12.2.2-cudnn8
# run container interactively
docker run --gpus all -it gglyptodon/helixer-docker:helixer_v0.3.4_cuda_12.2.2-cudnn8
(Note: the old nvidia-docker v2 uses --runtime=nvidia
instead of --gpus all
Docker containers are by default immutable. So if you restart the Helixer container all your stored data gets erases. But you can create a directory and mount/bind it to your container. Then the files created by Helixer will stay in this folder even after restarting the container.
# set up a shared directory and mount it, e.g.:
# on host:
mkdir -p data/out
chmod o+w data/out # something the container can write to
# mount directory and run interactively:
docker run --gpus all -it --name helixer_testing_v0.3.4_cuda_12.2.2-cudnn8 --rm \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/data,target=/home/helixer_user/shared gglyptodon/helixer-docker:helixer_v0.3.4_cuda_12.2.2-cudnn8
- Build the Helixer-Docker container locally:
mkdir SOME_DIR
mkdir -p data/out
chmod o+w data/out # something the container can write to
docker build -t helixer_v0.3.4 --rm .
- Run:
docker run --gpus all -it --name helixer_v0.3.4 --rm \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/data,target=/home/helixer_user/shared helixer_v0.3.4:latest
# Download models (models will be saved to ~/.local/share/Helixer/models/ )
helixer_user@03356047d15f:~$ Helixer/scripts/
helixer_user@03356047d15f:~$ cd shared/out/
# get some test data
helixer_user@03356047d15f:~/shared/out$ curl -L --output Arabidopsis_lyrata.v.1.0.dna.chromosome.8.fa.gz
# predict gene models
helixer_user@03356047d15f:~/shared/out$ --fasta-path Arabidopsis_lyrata.v.1.0.dna.chromosome.8.fa.gz --lineage land_plant --gff-output-path Arabidopsis_lyrata_chromosome8_helixer.gff3
See start and end of expected output below:
No config file found config:
{'batch_size': 32,
'compression': 'gzip',
Total: 12727167bp across 2300 windows
Helixer successfully finished the annotation of Arabidopsis_lyrata.v.1.0.dna.chromosome.8.fa.gz in 0.06 hours. GFF file written to Arabidopsis_lyrata_chromosome8_helixer.gff3.
In general Apptainer is recommended over Singularity, since on very rare occasions
Singularity will report the following error Error: helixer_post_bin not found in $PATH, this is required for to complete.
. This is an issue produced by permissions
not being set correctly/reset when pulling the image. See down below
for more information if you'd prefer to use Singularity instead of Apptainer.
If you already have Apptainer available, skip to section Running via Apptainer.
For Apptainer install, see also:
On Ubuntu based containers install software-properties-common package to obtain add-apt-repository command. On Ubuntu Desktop/Server derived systems skip this step.
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y software-properties-common
For the non-setuid installation use these commands:
$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:apptainer/ppa
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y apptainer
For the setuid installation do above commands first and then these:
$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:apptainer/ppa
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y apptainer-suid
On Ubuntu 23.10+ you likely also need to execute this command
for more information) unless you install Apptainer using the .deb
from a GitHub release(
add this:
sudo tee /etc/apparmor.d/apptainer << 'EOF'
# Permit unprivileged user namespace creation for apptainer starter
abi <abi/4.0>,
include <tunables/global>
profile apptainer /usr/local/libexec/apptainer/bin/starter{,-suid}
flags=(unconfined) {
# Site-specific additions and overrides. See local/README for details.
include if exists <local/apptainer>
Hint: You may need to remove the 'local' in the path to Apptainer. If you
are unsure where your Apptainer installation is located, use
whereis apptainer
Reload the system apparmor profiles after you have created the file:
sudo systemctl reload apparmor
If all went well, you should be able to see a version number:
apptainer --version
# --> apptainer version 1.3.4
Running Helixer via Apptainer was tested for the following versions recently:
- Apptainer v1.3.4 on Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 24.04 (with the extra setup command)
- Apptainer v1.3.6 on Ubuntu 22.04
# pull current docker image
apptainer pull docker://gglyptodon/helixer-docker:helixer_v0.3.4_cuda_12.2.2-cudnn8
# in this example, the directory "helixer_test" already contains downloaded data
apptainer run --nv helixer-docker_helixer_v0.3.4_cuda_12.2.2-cudnn8.sif \
--fasta-path helixer_test/Arabidopsis_lyrata.v.1.0.dna.chromosome.8.fa.gz --lineage land_plant \
--gff-output-path Arabidopsis_lyrata_chromosome8_helixer.gff3
# notice '--nv' for GPU support
If you already have Singularity available, skip to section Running via Singularity.
For Singularity install, see also: or
Install go:
export VERSION=1.18.1 OS=linux ARCH=amd64 # change this as you need
wget -O /tmp/go${VERSION}.${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz \${VERSION}.${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf /tmp/go${VERSION}.${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Clone syslabs' singularity repo and install:
mkdir -p
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd singularity/
# use the version you prefer here:
git checkout --recurse-submodules v3.9.9
make -C builddir
sudo make -C builddir install
On Ubuntu 23.10+ you likely also need to execute this command
for more information) unless you install Singularity using the .deb
from a GitHub release(
sudo tee /etc/apparmor.d/singularity-ce << 'EOF'
# Permit unprivileged user namespace creation for SingularityCE starter
abi <abi/4.0>,
include <tunables/global>
profile singularity-ce /usr/local/libexec/singularity/bin/starter{,-suid} flags=(unconfined) {
# Site-specific additions and overrides. See local/README for details.
include if exists <local/singularity-ce>
Hint: You may need to remove the 'local' in the path to Singularity. If you
are unsure where your Singularity installation is located, use
whereis singularity
Reload the system apparmor profiles after you have created the file:
sudo systemctl reload apparmor
If all went well, you should be able to see a version number:
singularity --version
# --> singularity-ce version 3.9.9
Running Helixer via Singularity was tested for the following versions recently:
- Singularity v3.9.9 on Ubuntu 22.04
Warning: There is a known issue with Singularity that causes the error
Error: helixer_post_bin not found in $PATH, this is required for to complete.
. To circumvent this issue either use this command to pull the image:sudo singularity pull docker://gglyptodon/helixer-docker:helixer_v0.3.4_cuda_12.2.2-cudnn8
or use Apptainer instead as this issue doesn't show up. Known Singularity version with this issue: singularity-ce 4.2.2 on Ubuntu 24.04.
# pull current docker image
singularity pull docker://gglyptodon/helixer-docker:helixer_v0.3.4_cuda_12.2.2-cudnn8
# in this example, the directory "helixer_test" already contains downloaded data
singularity run --nv helixer-docker_helixer_v0.3.4_cuda_12.2.2-cudnn8.sif \
--fasta-path helixer_test/Arabidopsis_lyrata.v.1.0.dna.chromosome.8.fa.gz --lineage land_plant \
--gff-output-path Arabidopsis_lyrata_chromosome8_helixer.gff3
# notice '--nv' for GPU support