'Should I Be Worried?' or S.I.B.W. aims to be a baseline application that retrieves and displays vital information to the user in the case of a natural disaster.
This was the first group project for the University of Arizona Coding Bootcamp.
View Here: https://ggoldammer.github.io/S.I.B.W./
The goal in the initial creation of this app is to have a working prototype of the concept. In this project we were able to establish the use of two API's. These API's were OpenWeatherMap and NewsRiver. Both of these API's accepted the city location in their search query, which allowed us to filter the necessary information based on the user's city.
- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Boostrap (CSS Library)
- JavaScript (Programming Language)
- jQuery (JavaScript Library)
- Google Firebase (Database)
- FontAwesome (Icon Library)
- OpenWeatherMap (Weather API: https://openweathermap.org/api)
- NewsRiver (News API: https://newsriver.io/)
Potential improvements involve quality of life features, as well as adding additional information that would assist someone in the event of a natural disaster. These items include but are not limited to:
- Displaying traffic patterns (flight status, closed roads & highways, suggested evacuation routes)
- Displaying shelter information (missing persons locations, shelters, food banks)
- Giving the user the ability to recieve SMS notifications in the event of network outages
- and more!