This script is designed to periodically monitor an HLS stream until it detects an SCTE35 marker (cue-point) flagged with a specific tag. The supported tags include:
- Any custom tag you can specify
This project serves as a tool for monitoring and analyzing ad-markers in HLS media playlists. It can be valuable for content creators, broadcasters, or developers who need to track and understand ad-markers for various purposes, such as ad insertion or content analytics.
Input HLS Master Playlist URL: Provide your master playlist URL as a parameter for the script. The URL format must be HTTP(S) and end with a valid .m3u8 extension (query parameters are supported).
Add optional parameters: Details about optional parameters can be found in the Usage below
Let it run for a while: The script will periodically scan each rendition of the master playlist, search for ad-marker-related tags, sleep for the chunk duration, and fetch the updated version of the playlist until it finds a keyword to stop.
Analyse Results: The output is returned to the standard output (stdout).
# Install Python Dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] [-e EXIT_IF_FOUND] [-d DECODE] [-t ADBREAK_TYPE | -c CUSTOM_MATCH] master_playlist_url
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e EXIT_IF_FOUND, --exit-if-found EXIT_IF_FOUND
Stop script after the first ad break is being found, default True
-d DECODE, --decode DECODE
Decode SCTE35 binarydata (hex or base64). Works only for tags where the binarydata can be parsed from the tag
-t ADBREAK_TYPE, --ad-break-type ADBREAK_TYPE
Ad break types to match: EXT-X-CUE, EXT-X-DATERANGE, EXT-OATCLS-SCTE35 or ALL, default ALL
Define a custom keyword to match
Example: Look for any EXT-X-DATERANGE tag and stop once found
python3 http://localhost:8000/demo_streams/demo_master_daterange.m3u8 -t EXT-X-DATERANGE
Example: Look for any EXT-X-CUE-OUT tag and never stop
python3 http://localhost:8000/demo_streams/demo_master_cue.m3u8 -t EXT-X-CUE -e false
Example: Look for any EXT-X-OATCLS tag, stop once found and decode its binarydata
python3 http://localhost:8000/demo_streams/demo_master_oatcls.m3u8 -t EXT-OATCLS-SCTE35 -e true -d true
*You can customize the script to monitor the presence of any string. It may not be related to ad-markers at all.*
Example: Monitor if the tag EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY appears in a rendition of the playlist
python3 http://localhost:8000/demo_stream/demo_master.m3u8 -c EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY
If you do not know what kind of tags are present in the playlists, you can use -t ALL to match any of the supported ad-marker tags
This project is released under the MIT License.
Note: HLS-SCTE35-Monitoring is a side project and provided as-is. It may require adjustments and improvements to meet your specific use case.