Age: 30 years old
Direction: Fullstack Web Development π
- Code: GitHub π
- Stack: Node, Lit, Axios, TypeScript
- Code: GitHub π
- Site: Brontosaur π
- Stack: Remix(SSR React Framework), Redux-Toolkit, Styled-Components, TypeScript
- Description: Fully responsive layout with mobile and desktop adaptive
- Code: GitHub π
- Site: Brontosaur π
- Stack: Next(SSR React Framework), Redux-Toolkit, Styled-Components, TypeScript
- Description: Fully responsive layout with mobile and desktop adaptive
- Site: MgSorb π
- Stack: Vite, Remix(SSR React Framework), Redux-Toolkit, Axios, Styled-Components, TreeJS, Nodemailer, Handlebars, Express, TypeScript
- Description: Fully responsive layout with mobile and desktop adaptive , website about unique biodegradable magnesium implants
- Fullstack: GitHub π
- Stack: Vite, React, Styled-Components, Express, Axios, TypeScript, Docker, PM2
OOP Cheat Sheet GitHub π
Algorithms Cheat Sheet GitHub π
- JS/TS: ES6 and beyond
- Frameworks: React π, Vue π, Angular π
- MongoDB: Mongo π, Mongoose π, MongoDB π
- ORM: Knex π, TypeORM π, Sequelize π
- Databases: SQLite π, MySQL π, PostgreSQL π
- Apollo: Client π, Server π
- Relay: Client π, Server π
- MERN: MySQL (Knex ORM), Express, React (or Next and Remix), Node
- PEVN: Postgres (Sequelize ORM), Express, Vue (or Nuxt), Node
- ONAN: Oracle (TypeORM), Nest, Angular, Node
- React: ReduxToolkit π, StyledComponents π
- Vue: Pinia π
- Svelte: Effector π
- Angular: NgRx π
- Testing: Cypress π
- Platform: Node π, Bun π
- Package Managers: NPM π, Yarn π
- Builders: Webpack π, Vite π
- JS Backend: Nest π, Express π
- 3D: Three.js π, Babylon.js π
- Containerization: Docker π, Docker-Compose π
- Basics: Hexlet π, Official Site π
- Frameworks: FastAPI π, SQLAlchemyORM π, AriadneGQL π
- Basics: Hexlet π, Official Site π
- Frameworks: ReactPHP π, RedBeanORM π
- Go: Hexlet π
- Rust: Otus π
- Monitoring Prometheus π, Grafana π
- Logging Elasticsearch π, Kibana π
- Message Brokers RabbitMQ π, Kafka π
- Π‘aching Redis π, Memcached π
- C++: Otus π, UnrealEngine π
- C#: Otus π, UnityEngine π