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Random sinogram generator for TypeScript

NPM Version


🫖drago is a web assembly for 🦋TypeScript, written in 🦀Rust, at the top of a technological stack which includes chinese-format, chinese-rand and other crates; the name of this project stems from the Italian word describing one of the fabled, 🌺sublime 🫖dragons of the Eastern legends.

Its purpose is simple and elegant: generating random Chinese logograms via LogogramGenerator class - in accordance with the parameters provided by the user as a variety of thematic categories.



The package on NPM is:


The public API entirely resides in the root package index, so you shouldn't reference specific modules.


The purpose of this library is to create random Chinese logograms on demand - which can be achieved via a sequence of minimalist steps:

  1. Import the required identifiers:

    import initDrago, {
    } from "@giancosta86/drago";
  2. Initialize the web assembly; in any initialization block of your client, call:

    await initDrago(/*[optional module/path/URL here]*/);
    • Note 1: for synchronous initialization, the initSync function is available as a named import.

    • Note 2: most often, you'll' want to pass a parameter related to the location of your .wasm file.

  3. Create an instance of LogogramGenerator - by calling its create static method and passing an object implementing the RandomParams interface. For example:

    const logogramGenerator = LogogramGenerator.create({
      seed: 90,
      variant: "Simplified",
      fraction: {
        denominatorRange: [1, 7],
        numeratorRange: [4, 21],
      decimal: {
        integerRange: [1, 42],
        fractionalLengthRange: [1, 3],

    Later, you can store the instance and use it wherever you need.

    Note 1: most of the fields are optional - but at least one of the optional fields must be present; this constraint is due to the fact that LogogramGenerator requires at least one generation strategy.

    Note 2: anyway, in case of unacceptable settings, the create method will throw an object of type RandomParamsError, containing a detailed description.

    Note 3: because of limitations in the underlying implementation, you cannot have two or more independent LogogramGenerator instances: creating each instance automatically resets - to the latest value - the seed of the internal randomization engine, from which every single instance would draw its random data.

    In summary: you should have just one instance of LogogramGenerator in your client.

  4. Call logograms() whenever you need to create random logograms: the generator will randomly pick one of the provided strategies, returning the Chinese characters as a string:

    let characters: string = logogramGenerator.logograms();

    Note: the generation of characters is a safe operations - because all the validations occur when instantiating LogogramGenerator.

See also