Group chat app built with Django, django-channels, and rest_framework
- Clone this repository
git clone
cd chat-app
- Activate the local environment
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
- Install the requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Migrate the database
./ makemigrations
./ migrate
Go to app/ to set your Redis url
"hosts":[('localhost', 6379)],
You can run the server by using command
./ runserver
Create your bot!
./ create_bot
Username for your bot : ganteng
File name to generate :
Bot Description : Test
Message Handler (e.g : /hello,/fush,/foo) : /hello,/world
File created /home/vvvv/project/app/bots/
User for bot created!
The command will automatically create a user for the bot, and save a file to execute bot commands
You can customize the response bot in the file that was created
async def execute_command(argument, group_room_code):
return "Change this response!"
Activate your bot in room settings!
- Login and Register
- Any logged in user can create a room
- Authenticated user can generate new room code, and delete their own room
- Basic Bot feature
- Messages saved to database
- Messages from not logged in user will no saved to database
Chat Section
Chat template i got from (thx a lot for this guy)