Example Home Assistant Configs
My HA installation runs on a Intel NUC with the following devices:
8 x Relais 5V NO/NC for electrical heating
Netatmo Thermostat for my heating pump
Philips Hue x2
Sonos One in my bathroom
Sonos Play:5 in my kitchen
Smappee for monitoring my energy usage
MySensors 4 Multisensors with Lightlevel, motion, humidity, temperature photos
- 1x UN3F 1pcs DS18b20 Waterproof Temperature Sensors Thermistor Temperature Control
- 5x Mini USB Nano V3.0 ATmega328P 5V 16M Micro-controller Board FT232RL For Arduino
- 3x Pro Mini atmega328 Replace ATmega128 5V/16M For Arduino-Compatible Nano Module
- 4x DHT22 AM2302 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module
- 3x Socket Adapter plate Board for 8Pin NRF24L01+ Wireless Transceive module 51
- 1x 10pcs NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Antenna Wireless Transceiver Module for Arduino New
- 1x 5PCS HC-SR501 IR Pyroelectric Infrared IR PIR Motion Sensor Detector Module