Joda-Money-Calculator provides a calculator to manipulate Joda Money objects. Please see and for further details This work is otherwise unsupported by them.
It was inspired by a couple of requests on the joda-money project, which seemed to want to extend the joda-money project beyond it's stated aims, and I thought it might be useful as an addition.
All operations use BigMoney and (BigDecimal where required), so will be 'lossless' as far as these are concerned.
The source project itself has used the joda-money sources, and is deeply indebted to them.
Users are reminded that this software, like all open source software, is provided on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND.
Joda-Money-Calculator is licensed under the business-friendly Apache 2.0 licence.
Documentation is created by the Maven 'package' target
The current version is source-code-only, build and check yourself. It is based on Joda-Money 0.8 It depends on JDK 1.6 or later.
Please use GitHub issues and Pull Requests for support.
Issue tracking and active development is at GitHub.