Dictionaries are lists of terms, with ancillary information such as descriptions, provenance and , importantly, links to other terminological resources, especially Wikidata. They are central to the use of ContentMine tools sucha as AMI.
Dictionaries for use with ami
as well as with canary
. Provided as xml files and now also JSON.
To contribute simply fork and make a pull request with a new dictionary. Ideally include some external identifier (particularly Wikidata) for each term if possible. For inspiration see this: blog post. By Chris Kittel about making a dictionary for species from Wikidata.
Either XML or JSON is fine.
Looks something like:
<dictionary title="baz">
<entry term="foo" name="bar" id="1234" wikidataId="Q1234" />
id and wikidataId are not required
A rough description of the contents is as follows
- cochrane - short list of terms that may be of interest to or about Cochrane
- disease - list of diseases, origin currently unknown perhaps wikidata
- epidemic - very short list relating to epidemics
- funders - list of funders provided by CrossRef
- hgnc - list of human genes perhaps from NIH?
- inn - list of generic drug names from ChEBI
- jax - list of mouse genes ~ synbio - list of synthetic biology terms, handwritten
- taxdumpGenus - list of taxonomic genus, source unknown
- tropicalVirus - list of tropical viruses, handwritten