PHP-class for proj4 This is a PHP-Class for geographic coordinates transformation using proj4 definitions, thanks to a translation from Proj4JS.
To keep up with the relentless pace of PHP versions and best practice, the following features are being implemented on this package:
- Namespacing.
- PHP5.4+ syntax (not aiming to be bleeding edge here, just yet)
- PSR-2 styling
- PSR-4 autoloader
- semver relase numbers to
- Full compatibility with composer
- Tests to come once the above is implemented.
A legacy branch php4proj5.2 will be maintained for older applications that need it.
use proj4php\Proj4php;
use proj4php\Proj;
use proj4php\Point;
// Initialise Proj4
$proj4 = new Proj4php();
// Create two different projections.
$projL93 = new Proj('EPSG:2154', $proj4);
$projWGS84 = new Proj('EPSG:4326', $proj4);
// Create a point.
$pointSrc = new Point(652709.401, 6859290.946);
// Transform the point between datums.
$pointDest = $proj4->transform($projL93, $projWGS84, $pointSrc);
// Display the result.
echo "Source: " . $pointSrc->toShortString() . " in L93 <br>";
echo "Conversion: " . $pointDest->toShortString() . " in WGS84<br><br>";
// Source: 2.3557811127971 48.831938054369 in L93
// Conversion: 2.3557811127971 48.831938054369 in WGS84
There are also ways to define inline projections.
A PSR-4 autoloader will be introduced shortly, and that will change many of the paths and classnames above.
Feel free to fork us and submit your changes!