Prefab instance pool that is configurable in the Inspector, supports any engine Object
type and is available as a serializable C# class, MonoBehaviour and ScriptableObject.
- Prefab pools may live either as project assets (PrefabPoolAsset), standalone components in the scene (PrefabPoolComponent), or may be a part of your own scripts (PrefabPool), whichever fits best your use case.
- Supports prewarming instances: configure pools to instantiate a number of prefabs when created, with an optional limit of objects per frame to avoid spikes in CPU usage.
- Supports generic typing for customizing which prefabs can be assigned to the pool.
By default, the
type is used in the non-generic prefab pool classes. - Optionally add scripts that implement IPooledObject to the prefab for receiving callbacks when object is taken from/returned to pool.
With this, you can also easily return the prefab to the pool by calling the
extension method. - Debug panel in inspector that shows all active and inactive pooled instances.
- Addressables support: just use the
variants instead of thePrefabPool*
ones and setup the prefab's asset reference in the Inspector. Addressables are automatically loaded when the first instance is created and released when the pool is disposed of.
- Use the openupm registry and install this package using the openupm-cli:
openupm add com.gilzoide.prefab-pool
- Install using the Unity Package Manager with the following URL:
- Clone this repository or download a snapshot of it directly inside your project's
using System.Collections;
using Gilzoide.PrefabPool;
using UnityEngine;
public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour
// 1) Reference a prefab pool:
// 1.a) Reference for a PrefabPoolComponent from your scene.
// Set this in the Inspector.
public PrefabPoolComponent myPoolComponent;
// 1.b) Reference for a PrefabPoolAsset from your project.
// Set this in the Inspector.
public PrefabPoolAsset myPoolAsset;
// 1.c) Private/embedded PrefabPool, needs manual prewarm/disposal.
// Configure it in the Inspector.
public PrefabPool myPoolVariable;
void Start()
// 2) (optional) Prewarm private/embedded pools.
// Passing "instancesPerFrame: N" makes instances be
// created frame by frame, avoiding CPU spikes.
myPoolVariable.Prewarm(10, instancesPerFrame: 1);
// Component/asset pools prewarm automatically in their `OnEnable`.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// 3) Use the pool:
// (All prefab pool types implement IPrefabPool<>)
public IEnumerator UseInstanceFromPool(IPrefabPool<GameObject> pool)
// 3.1) Get an instance.
GameObject instance = pool.Get();
// 3.2) Do something with your instance.
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
// 3.3) Return instance to pool after done with it.
// 4) Dispose of private/embedded pools.
// Embedded pools should always be disposed when not needed anymore!
// Component/asset pools dispose automatically in their `OnDisable`.
void OnDestroy()
Specifying the prefab type for PrefabPool<>
To customize the prefab type accepted by a prefab pool, just declare your variable with a concrete version of the PrefabPool<>
using Gilzoide.PrefabPool;
using UnityEngine;
public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour
public PrefabPool<Transform> myTransformPool;
void OnDestroy()
Specifying the prefab type for PrefabPoolComponent<>
To customize the prefab type accepted by a prefab pool component, create a concrete class that inherits PrefabPoolComponent<>
using Gilzoide.PrefabPool;
public class MyScriptPoolComponent : PrefabPoolComponent<MyScript>
Specifying the prefab type for PrefabPoolAsset<>
To customize the prefab type accepted by a prefab pool asset, create a concrete class that inherits PrefabPoolAsset<>
using Gilzoide.PrefabPool;
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "MyScriptPoolAsset")]
public class MyScriptPoolAsset : PrefabPoolAsset<MyScript>
The reason I made a brand new implementation is because alternatives either:
- Use singleton/static pools without explicit lifetimes
- Don't support specifying generic prefab types, accepting only
s - Don't have Inspector-ready serializable pool types, being too code oriented
- Don't support pools as assets using
s - Don't support asynchronous prewarming with configurable batch size, potentially leading to CPU spikes while instantiating prefabs
- Don't support Addressable asset references