A .NET Standard library (works in .Net core, .Net 4.6.1 and Xamarin projects) that provides geocoding and reverse geocoding of locations using the OpenCage Geocoder geocoder.
- .NET Standard 2.0
- ServiceStack.Text.Core ver 1.0.44 (added via Nuget)
- OpenCageGeocoder key - get yours FREE
Reference the library using Nuget
Create an instance of the geocoder library, passing a valid OpenCage Data Geocoder API key as a parameter to the geocoder library's constructor:
var gc = new Geocoder("YOUR_KEY");
Pass a string containing the query or address to be geocoded to the library's Geocode
var result = gc.Geocode("82 Clerkenwell Road, London");
You will get a strongly typed GeocoderResponse object returned.
There are many parameters for language, country, bounds and more see https://opencagedata.com/api for explanations of them all or read the documentation provided for each parameter in Visual Studio.
Putting all of this together as a console app, a complete sample with a basic and advanced usage would look like this:
var gc = new Geocoder("YOURKEYHERE");
// simplest example with no optional parameters
var result = gc.Geocode("newcastle");
// example with lots of optional parameters
var result2 = gc.Geocode("newcastle", countrycode: "gb", limit: 2, minConfidence: 6, language: "en", abbrv: true, noAnnotations:true, noRecord: true, addRequest: true);
Reverse geocoding is almost identical but you pass in a latitude and longitude pair:
var gc = new Geocoder("YOUR_KEY");
var reserveresult = gc.ReverseGeocode(51.4277844, -0.3336517);
reserveresult.PrintDump(); // ServiceStack human readable object dump to console
There are many parameters for language, limiting results and more see https://opencagedata.com/api for explanations of them all or read the documentation provided for each parameter in Visual Studio.
Further examples of a .Net Core and .Net 4.6.1 console application are available within the solution as projects 'GeocoderDemo.Net461' and 'GeocoderDemo.NetCore'.
Any errors that the geocoding service returns will be found in the RequestStatus property of the GeocoderResponse object. RequestStatus contains the standard HTTP error status code as the Code property and a more helpful error message in the Message property.
Before starting to use the OpenCage geocoder in your projects we advice you read the Best Practices document to ensure you get the best results possible.
Two error codes are used when any rate limiting has come into effect:
- 402 - 'Valid request but quota exceeded (payment required)'
- 429 - 'Too many requests (too quickly, rate limiting)'
For more about the rate limits read the OpenCage Geocoder API Documentation.
The previous release of this library was not targeted at .Net Standard but at .Net 4.6. The nuget package for this is still available at https://www.nuget.org/packages/OpenCageGeocoder/ but will not be maintained so we recommend using this new library and updating to a supported .Net version.