Simple REST APIs to calculate areas.
After cloning the project, you have to run
composer install
to install all the dependencies.
Before running the testsuite you should set your own base address into the variable
into the config_local.php file. It is used by the HttpClient to call the APIs and check for the returned value. Then you can run the testsuite with
vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php tests/
In POST request, the required Content-Type is application/json. The body must be json encoded.
Get Circle Area
URL /area/circle/:radius
URL Params
- Required:
- Required:
Querystring Params None
Success Response:
- Code: 200 OK
Content:{"result": "OK","output": 28.274,"debug_info": {"error_msg": null,"shape": "circle","radius": "3"}}
- Code: 200 OK
Error Response:
- Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
Reason: If radius is negative or non-numeric
- Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
Get Square Area
URL /area/square
URL Params None
Querystring Params
- Required
- Required
Success Response:
- Code: 200 OK
Content:{"result": "OK","output": 16,"debug_info": {"error_msg": null,"shape": "square","side": "4"}}
- Code: 200 OK
Error Response:
- Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
Reason: If side is negative or non-numeric
- Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
Get Rectangle Area
URL /area/rectangle
URL Params None
Querystring Params None
JSON Body Params
- Required
{"base": x, "height": y}
- Required
Headers Params
Content-Type: application/json
Success Response:
- Code: 200 OK
Content:{ "result": "OK", "output": 20, "debug_info": { "error_msg": null, "shape": "rectangle", "base": "4", "height": "5" }}
- Code: 200 OK
Error Response:
- Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
Reason: If base or height are negative or non-numeric
- Code: 400 BAD REQUEST