Svenska Ordsprak App is Swedish sayings translated to English - Single page application showing Swedish sayings translated to English.
This is a solution to a Personal project. Spent some time in Sweden and was amazed by how their phrases made no sense to me... at the beginning.
As a developer:
- Get both back and front end to work with no bugs.
- Front end will be written in Js first and then migrated to Ts.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the section depending on their device's screen size
- Be able to share the quotes in both languages.
- Solution URL: Coming Soon
- Live Site URL: Coming Soon
More will be added until completion
- React - JS library
- Styled Components - For styles
- Node.js - React framework
- Website - [Gio Mar](Coming soon)
- linkedin - (
Really helpful to StackOverflow and Discord, got plenty of help from the ZTM and global community and learned by giving and receiving.