Why am I building this application
- I would like to consolidate my learning and build a fakealot/takealot clone application with some base features that are great and useful to any online store application.
- Reusable React Components
- React Router: understand to use this tool to route to pages
- Commerce js: How to use commerce js as an api to serve data to your UI
- State mangement
- Layout and folder structure
- Deployment
- Responsive Design
- Basic Payment Flow
- Material UI
- Payments
- Login page/signin page
- Animations
- Favourites or liked items
- related products features
- React JS
- Material UI
- Commerce JS
- Indexdb? if there is a need to use it.
- Typescript
- React reveal
- dexie
- @material-ui
- react-responsive-carousel
- react-icons
- @chec/commerce.js
- https://unsplash.com/photos/MP56QwyNC8c
- https://unsplash.com/photos/jo8C9bt3uo8
- https://unsplash.com/photos/4Hmj9gkyM6c
- https://unsplash.com/photos/DnJioJ8nhxI
- Type 42424242424242424 until you cannot enter any more digits and you can proceed to checkout.
Giordi Fungula