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guilleJB edited this page Sep 30, 2015 · 2 revisions

Processes to import data


Import "Cel·les i elementes de tall"

#> cnmc cir_4_2015_create_celles --help
Usage: cnmc cir_4_2015_create_celles [OPTIONS]

  -q, --quiet TEXT                No mostrar missatges de status per stderr
  --interactive / --no-interactive
                                  Deshabilitar el mode interactiu
  -s, --server TEXT               Adreça servidor ERP
  -p, --port INTEGER              Port servidor ERP
  -u, --user TEXT                 Usuari servidor ERP
  -w, --password TEXT             Contrasenya usuari ERP
  -d, --database TEXT             Nom de la base de dades
  --num-proc INTEGER
  -f, --file-input PATH
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

File format

The input file must be with next columns and with the same order:

  • 'name'
  • 'tipus_element'
  • 'installacio'
  • 'tipus_posicio'
  • 'inventari'
  • 'aillament'
  • 'cini'
  • 'propietari'
  • 'perc_financament'
  • 'tensio'
  • 'cnmc_tipo_instalacion'
  • 'data_pm'

Checklist before import

The values of next columns must be exist before import.

  • 'tipus_element'
  • 'tipus_posicio'
  • 'aillament'
  • 'tensio'

File output

After process file, it will create another file on the same path of file-input with extension .err. It contains lines that process couldn't create.