We always try to ease the installation. We provide several Docker images for you to run Gisgraphy easily. All this stuff is given "as is" and with any waranty of any kind. This repository doesn't contain Docker images. Images are availables on Dockerhub at https://hub.docker.com/r/gisgraphy/gisgraphyofficial/. You can also install Gisgraphy without Docker.
- Install Docker
- Directories
- For people in a hurry
- Get image from Dockerhub
- Build your own image
- Start a container
- Volumes
For those who want to install Gisgraphy without Docker, we have a dedicated installation page
Even if it is out of the scope of Gisgraphy, we provide a script (install-docker.sh) that we use. It is designed to install docker on Ubuntu 16.04 (with Systemd).
There is Two directories :
- The base directory contain the files to install Gisgraphy.
- The dump directory contains the necessary files to inject the dump you can order at https://premium.gisgraphy.com. note that buying Premium dump allow you to avoid runing an import and is totally optionnal.
Both directories contains script (installation, inject dump,...) that can be run in a Docker container or not (the script named *-wo-docker.sh' can be run in a classic Linux distribution (Debian / Ubuntu)
For those who want to go fast and get ready in 2 minuts : get a Docker image of Gisgraphy (this step has to be done only once) ::
git clone https://github.com/gisgraphy/gisgraphy-docker.git && cd gisgraphy-docker && ./install-docker.sh && cd base && ./get_from_dockerhub.sh
..and run a container (do this step each time you want to run a container)
Then go to http://localhost/
you can get an existing images from Docker hub. to get it :
docker pull gisgraphy/gisgraphyofficial
We provide an image called gisgraphyofficial : which have Java and Postgres / postgis installed and the Gisgraphy Database created, it install Gisgraphy (in /usr/local) and setup the database (create the tables in the database, insert gisgraphy users, create indexes). It also create an entrypoint that start Postgres and Gisgraphy servers.
An oficial image of gisgraphyofficial can be found at https://hub.docker.com/r/gisgraphy/gisgraphyofficial/
you can personalize the Postgres password by specifying an arg :
docker build -t gisgraphyenv --build-arg PGPASSWORD=mdppostgres .
A script build.sh is provided to build the image. It download the Gisgraphy latest version and build the image.
To run your image in a container
docker run -td -p80:8080 --hostname=myhost.com gisgraphyofficial bash
note : a script called 'run.sh' in the base direcory do the job.
To open a bash console in your container :
docker exec -t -i $DOCKERID /bin/bash
A script called 'connect.sh' take a docker container id as parameter and open a shell in it. If no container id is given, then it try to connect to a running container; if there is multiple container running. It fails.
IMPORTANT : When you got an images, you can start a container from a Gisgraphy image. Once started, If you do some modifications on the files system of your container (e.g : remove or add a file) and then stop the container, when you will restart the container you will got the file system as it was in the initial image (before you remove / add the files).This is also true, if you run an import of data into Gisgraphy. After you stop your container, the data will be lost and you will have the file system identical to the initial image (before import) each time you restart your container.
If you want to keep your modifications (and import), you have to use volumes ar save your container state (commit / save). This is out of the scope of this tutorial and some documentation on how to use volumes can be found on the docker documentation.
If you save your container after the import is done, you will have the data stored in an other image. If you do an image with Gisgraphy + Data. you will get the data as it was after the import each time you restart your container.
If you want to keep the log files, statistiques,and so on you have to use volumes.