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Merge pull request #2 from gismo/precice_v0.1
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Precice v0.1
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Crazy-Rich-Meghan authored Oct 30, 2024
2 parents b51fc3d + 37fed13 commit 2271aae
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@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
/** @file heat-equation-coupling.cpp
@brief Heat equation participant for a double coupled heat equation
This file is part of the G+Smo library.
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at
Author(s): H.M. Verhelst (University of Pavia), J.Li (TU Delft, 2023-...)

#include <gismo.h>
#include <gsPreCICE/gsPreCICE.h>
#include <gsPreCICE/gsPreCICEFunction.h>
#include <gsPreCICE/gsPreCICEUtils.h>

using namespace gismo;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//! [Parse command line]
bool plot = true;
index_t plotmod = 1;
index_t numRefine = 2;
index_t numElevate = 0;
short_t side = 0;
real_t alpha = 3;
real_t beta = 1.2;
real_t time = 0;
real_t k_temp = 1;

std::string precice_config("../precice_config.xml");

gsCmdLine cmd("Flow over heated plate for PreCICE.");
cmd.addString( "c", "config", "PreCICE config file", precice_config );
cmd.addSwitch("plot", "Create a ParaView visualization file with the solution", plot);
// cmd.addInt("l","loadCase", "Load case: 0=constant load, 1='spring' load", loadCase);
cmd.addInt("m","plotmod", "Modulo for plotting, i.e. if plotmod==1, plots every timestep", plotmod);
//cmd.addSwitch("readTime", "Get the read time", get_readTime);
//cmd.addSwitch("writeTime", "Get the write time", get_writeTime);
try { cmd.getValues(argc,argv); } catch (int rv) { return rv; }

//! [Read input file]
GISMO_ASSERT(gsFileManager::fileExists(precice_config),"No precice config file has been defined");

* Initialize the preCICE participant
* Dirichlet side:
* Receive: temperature change as Dirichlet boundary condition
* Write: flux vector q(u) to the other side as Neumann condition
std::string participantName = "Dirichlet";
gsPreCICE<real_t> participant(participantName, precice_config);

//! [Read input file]

* Data initialization
* This participant receives mesh information (knot vector, control points) from the Neumann,
* and it creates its own mesh based on the information.
* And writes heat flux, reads temperature from the Neumann participant.
* The follow meshes and data are made available:
* - Meshes:
* + KnotMesh This mesh contains the knots as mesh vertices
* + ControlPointMesh: This mesh contains the control points as mesh vertices
* + FluxMesh: This mesh contains the integration points as mesh vertices
* - Data:
* + ControlPointData: This data is defined on the ControlPointMesh and stores the temperature of the control points
* + FluzData: This data is defined on the ForceMesh and stores pressure/forces

gsMultiPatch<> patches;
for (int r =0; r < numRefine; ++r)

gsMultiBasis<> basesDirichlet(patches);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// Create from patches and boundary/interface information

//Mesh provided by Neumann
std::string GeometryKnotMesh = "Geometry-Knot-Mesh";
std::string GeometryControlPointMesh = "Geometry-Control-Point-Mesh";

// Mesh provided by Dirichlet
std::string FluxKnotMesh = "Flux-Knot-Mesh";
std::string FluxControlPointMesh = "Flux-Control-Point-Mesh";

// Data provided by Neumann
std::string TemperatureData = "Temperature-Data";

// Data provided by Dirichlet
std::string FluxControlPointData = "Flux-Control-Point-Data";

// Setup bounding box onto the force mesh
gsMatrix<> bbox(2,2);
bbox << -1e300, 1e300, // X dimension limits
-1e300, 1e300; // Y dimension limits
participant.setMeshAccessRegion(GeometryControlPointMesh, bbox);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

std::vector<patchSide> couplingInterface(1);
couplingInterface[0] = patchSide(0,boundary::north);
std::vector<gsGeometry<>::uPtr> boundaries(couplingInterface.size());

gsMultiBasis<> fluxBases;
std::vector<gsGeometry<>::uPtr> couplingBoundaries(couplingInterface.size());

couplingBoundaries[0] = patches.patch(0).boundary(couplingInterface[0].side());

// for(index_t i= 0; i < couplingInterface.size();++i)
// {
// couplingBoundaries[i] = patches.patch(0).boundary(couplingInterface[i].side()); // Add boundary coefficients to a vector
// auto& basis_temp = couplingBoundaries[i]->basis(); // Assuming this returns a pointer to gsBasis
// fluxBases.addBasis(&basis_temp);
// }

// Add flux knot mesh
gsVector<> fluxKnotMatrix = knotsToVector(couplingBoundaries[0]->basis());
participant.addMesh(FluxKnotMesh, fluxKnotMatrix.transpose());

// Add flux control points mesh
gsVector<index_t> fluxControlPointsIDs;
gsMatrix<> fluxControlPoints = couplingBoundaries[0]->coefs();
participant.addMesh(FluxControlPointMesh,fluxControlPoints.transpose(), fluxControlPointsIDs);

real_t precice_dt = participant.initialize();

//Get the temperature mesh from direct-access="true"direct-access="true"the API
gsVector<index_t> geometryKnotIDs;
gsMatrix<> geometryKnots;


//Get the temperature mesh from direct-access="true"direct-access="true"the API
gsVector<index_t> geometryControlPointIDs;
gsMatrix<> geometryControlPoint;

gsMatrix<> tempData(geometryControlPoint.rows(),geometryControlPoint.cols());

gsMultiPatch<> tempMesh;
gsBasis<> * basis = knotMatrixToBasis<real_t>(geometryKnots.row(0)).get();

// Set external heat-flux to zero
gsConstantFunction<> f(beta-2-2*alpha,2);
gsFunctionExpr<> u_ex("1+x^2+" + std::to_string(alpha) + "*y^2 + " + std::to_string(beta) + "*" + std::to_string(time),2);

gsBoundaryConditions<> bcInfo;

// gsPreCICEFunction<real_t> g_CD(&interface,meshName,(side==0 ? tempName : fluxName),patches,1);
gsFunction<> * g_C = &u_ex;
bcInfo.addCondition(0, boundary::north, condition_type::dirichlet, g_C, 0, false, 0); //For initialization, will be changed later
bcInfo.addCondition(0, boundary::west, condition_type::dirichlet , &u_ex, 0, false, 0);
bcInfo.addCondition(0, boundary::east, condition_type::dirichlet , &u_ex, 0, false, 0);
bcInfo.addCondition(0, boundary::south, condition_type::dirichlet , &u_ex, 0, false, 0);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef gsExprAssembler<>::geometryMap geometryMap;
typedef gsExprAssembler<>::space space;
typedef gsExprAssembler<>::solution solution;
//-----------------------Get discretization space---------------
gsExprAssembler<> A(1,1);

gsInfo<<"Active options:\n"<< A.options() <<"\n";


gsExprEvaluator<> ev(A);

geometryMap G = A.getMap(patches);

// Set the discretization space
space u = A.getSpace(basesDirichlet); // Use the Dirichlet basis function to discretize solution vector u
// u_h(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{N}u_i\varphi_i(x), where \varphi_i(x) is the basis function and u_i is the corresponding node values

//----------------------RHS of the heat equation \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \nabla \cdot (\kappa \nabla u) + f ---------------------
// Set the source term
auto ff = A.getCoeff(f, G);

// Set the solution and initial condition
gsMatrix<> solVector, solVector_ini;
solution u_sol = A.getSolution(u, solVector);
solution u_ini = A.getSolution(u, solVector);

// Initialize the system and assemble the mass matrix
// $M = \int_{\Omega} \varphi_i \varphi_j , d\Omega$
u.setup(bcInfo, dirichlet::homogeneous, 0);
A.assemble( u * * meas(G));
gsSparseMatrix<> M = A.matrix();

// A Conjugate Gradient linear solver with a diagonal (Jacobi) preconditionner
gsSparseSolver<>::CGDiagonal solver;

real_t dt = 0.1;

// Project u_wall as initial condition (violates Dirichlet side on precice interface)
// $u_{\text{ini}}(x) = \int_{\Omega} \varphi_i u_{\text{ex}}(x) , d\Omega$
auto uex = A.getCoeff(u_ex, G);
// RHS of the projection
u.setup(bcInfo, dirichlet::l2Projection, 0);
A.assemble( u * * meas(G), u * uex * meas(G) );
solVector_ini = solVector = solver.solve(A.rhs());

gsMatrix<> fluxData(2,fluxControlPoints.transpose().cols()), tmp2;
// Write initial data
if (participant.requiresWritingCheckpoint())
for (index_t k=0; k!=fluxControlPoints.rows(); k++)
gsWarn<<"Write the flux here!!!\n";
tmp2 = ev.eval( - jac(u_sol) * nv(G).normalized(),fluxControlPoints.transpose().col(k));
gsInfo << "Got here\n";
fluxData(0,k) =;
// gsDebugVar(result);
participant.writeData(FluxControlPointMesh, FluxControlPointData, fluxControlPointsIDs, fluxData);

g_C = &tempMesh.patch(0); //Update the boundary condition for the east coupled boundary

// Assemble stiffness matrix $K = \int_{\Omega} \kappa \nabla \varphi_i \cdot \nabla \varphi_j , d\Omega$
A.assemble( k_temp * igrad(u, G) * igrad(u, G).tr() * meas(G), u * uex * meas(G) );
gsSparseMatrix<> K = A.matrix();
// Discretize time, the system becomes: $(M + \Delta t K) u^{n+1} = M u^n + \Delta t f$

gsVector<> F = dt*A.rhs() + M*solVector;
gsVector<> F0 = F;
gsVector<> F_checkpoint = F;
gsMatrix<> solVector_checkpoint = solVector;

gsParaviewCollection collection("solution_dirichlet");
gsParaviewCollection exact_collection("exact_solution_dirichlet");

index_t timestep = 0;
index_t timestep_checkpoint = 0;
real_t t_checkpoint = 0;
if (plot)
std::string fileName = "solution_dirichlet" + util::to_string(timestep);
ev.options().setSwitch("plot.elements", true);
ev.options().setInt("plot.npts", 1000);
ev.writeParaview( u_sol , G, fileName);
for (size_t p=0; p!=patches.nPatches(); p++)
fileName = "solution_dirichlet" + util::to_string(timestep) + std::to_string(p);
// fileName = "exact_solution_dirichlet" + util::to_string(timestep);
// ev.writeParaview( uex , G, fileName);
// for (size_t p=0; p!=patches.nPatches(); p++)
// {
// fileName = "exact_solution_dirichlet" + util::to_string(timestep) + std::to_string(p);
// exact_collection.addTimestep(fileName,time,".vts");
// }

// ev.writeParaview( u_sol , G, "initial_solution_dirichlet");

while (participant.isCouplingOngoing())

u_ex = gsFunctionExpr<>("1+x^2+" + std::to_string(alpha) + "*y^2 + " + std::to_string(beta) + "*" + std::to_string(time),2);
u.setup(bcInfo, dirichlet::l2Projection, 0); // NOTE:
A.assemble( k_temp * igrad(u, G) * igrad(u, G).tr() * meas(G), u * ff * meas(G) );
K = A.matrix();
F = dt*A.rhs() + M*solVector;
// save checkpoint
if (participant.requiresWritingCheckpoint())
gsDebugVar("Write checkpoint");
F_checkpoint = F0;
t_checkpoint = time;
timestep_checkpoint = timestep;
solVector_checkpoint = solVector;

// potentially adjust non-matching timestep sizes
dt = std::min(dt,precice_dt);

// solve gismo timestep
gsInfo << "Solving timestep " << timestep*dt << "...";
solVector = solver.compute(M + dt*K).solve(F);
// write heat fluxes to interface
// gsMatrix<> result(2,fluxControlPoints.transpose().cols()), tmp;

for (index_t k=0; k!=fluxControlPoints.transpose().cols(); k++)
gsWarn<<"Write the flux here!!!\n";
//Calculate the heat flux $q=-k\nabla u$, here we use jac(u_sol) to calculate $\nabla u$
// Use normal vector to calculate the flux in the normal direction
tmp2 = ev.eval(-jac(u_sol) * nv(G).normalized(),fluxControlPoints.transpose().col(k));
gsInfo << "Got here\n";
fluxData(0,k) =;
participant.writeData(FluxControlPointMesh, FluxControlPointData, fluxControlPointsIDs, fluxData);
g_C = &tempMesh.patch(0);
// g_C = &tempMesh.patch(0); //Update the boundary condition for the east coupled boundary

// do the coupling
precice_dt = participant.advance(dt);

// advance variables
time += dt;
timestep += 1;
F0 = F;

if (participant.requiresReadingCheckpoint())
gsDebugVar("Read checkpoint");
F0 = F_checkpoint;
time = t_checkpoint;
timestep = timestep_checkpoint;
solVector = solVector_checkpoint;
if (timestep % plotmod==0 && plot)
std::string fileName = "solution_dirichlet" + util::to_string(timestep);
ev.options().setSwitch("plot.elements", true);
ev.options().setInt("plot.npts", 1000);
ev.writeParaview( u_sol , G, fileName);
for (size_t p=0; p!=patches.nPatches(); p++)
fileName = "solution_dirichlet" + util::to_string(timestep) + std::to_string(p);


if (plot)

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