PutsReq lets you record HTTP requests and simulate responses like no other tool available. Try it now!
Check this post: Play Rock-paper-scissors with Slack and PutsReq for some other examples.
The Response Builder is the place where you can create your responses using JavaScript V8.
Check the list below with the request attributes you can access to create your own responses:
// curl -X POST -H 'X-MyHeader: MyHeaderValue' -d 'name=Pablo' https://putsreq.com/<YOUR-TOKEN>
// => POST
// => name=Pablo
// => Pablo
// => MyHeaderValue
Parsing a JSON request:
// curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"message":"Hello World"}' https://putsreq.com/<YOUR-TOKEN>
var parsedBody = JSON.parse(request.body)
// => Hello World
response.status = 200 // default value
response.headers = {} // default value
response.body = 'ok' // default value
Returning a JSON response:
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
response.body = { message: 'Hello World' }
If you only want to log your requests, you can use PutsReq just as a proxy for your requests.
request.forwardTo = 'http://example.com/api'
But you can always modify requests before forwarding them.
// add or change a header
request.headers['X-MyNewHeader'] = 'MyHeaderValue'
var parsedBody = JSON.parse(request.body)
// add or change a value
parsedBody['my_new_key'] = 'my new value'
request.body = parsedBody
request.forwardTo = 'http://example.com/api'
Do want to test Webhook calls against your localhost? PutsReq makes it easy!
You can think of it, as a kind of ngrok, but instead of creating a tunnel to your localhost, PutsReq polls requests from YOUR-PUTSREQ-TOKEN
and forwards to your localhost.
gem install putsreq
putsreq forward --to http://localhost:3000 --token YOUR-TOKEN
Listening requests from YOUR-TOKEN
Forwarding to http://localhost:3000
Press CTRL+c to terminate
2016-12-21 20:49:54 -0200 POST 200
PutsReq supports CORS, so you can use it to test your Ajax calls.
<title>Your Website</title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
// Sample PutsReq Response Builder
// https://putsreq.com/<YOUR-TOKEN>/inspect
// response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
// response.body = { 'message': 'Hello World' };
// Sample Ajax call
$.get('https://putsreq.com/<YOUR-TOKEN>', function(data) {
// => 'Hello World'
For following the instructions below, you will need to install Docker.
cd ~/workspace
git clone git@github.com:phstc/putsreq.git
docker-compose up -d
open http://localhost:3000
docker-compose logs --follow --tail=100 app
docker-compose run app bundle exec rspec
In production (Heroku), PutsReq runs on mLab sandbox, with a storage of 500 MB. For avoiding exceeding the capacity, the requests
and responses
collections must be converted into capped collections.
db.runCommand({ convertToCapped: 'requests', size: 15000000 })
db.runCommand({ convertToCapped: 'responses', size: 15000000 })
Please see LICENSE for licensing details.