sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
git clone
bash ~/foxdCoinTipBot/
Telegram TipBOT
sudo systemctl enable foxdCoinTelegramTipBot (to enable TipBot at boot)
sudo systemctl disable foxdCoinTelegramTipBot (to disable TipBot at boot)
sudo systemctl start foxdCoinTelegramTipBot (to start TipBot)
sudo systemctl stop foxdCoinTelegramTipBot (to stop TipBot)
sudo systemctl restart foxdCoinTelegramTipBot (to restart TipBot)
sudo systemctl status foxdCoinTelegramTipBot (to view status of TipBot process)
Discord TipBOT
sudo systemctl enable foxdCoinDiscordTipBot (to enable TipBot at boot)
sudo systemctl disable foxdCoinDiscordTipBot (to disable TipBot at boot)
sudo systemctl start foxdCoinDiscordTipBot (to start TipBot)
sudo systemctl stop foxdCoinDiscordTipBot (to stop TipBot)
sudo systemctl restart foxdCoinDiscordTipBot (to restart TipBot)
sudo systemctl status foxdCoinDiscordTipBot (to view status of TipBot process)
Setup a bot with the user @BotFather through PM on Telegram, after going through a setup you will be given a bot token. Edit the file and replace the parameter 'TOKEN' with the one you just recieved. Initiate the bot by inviting it to a chat or via PM
Create new BOT by accessing this url (, after going through setup you will be given a BOT token. Edit the file and replace the parameter 'TOKEN' with the one you just recieved.
Setting up the bot as so still leaves the wallet unencrypted, so please go to extra measures to provide extra security. Make sure to have a good firewall on whatever device/droplet you run it on.
Please fork the code, happy tipping!