Fantasy Zoo app (with a few unbelievable creatures) that allows the user to view the current animal list, filter animals by age using a dropdown menu, add new animals, and edit existing animals.
- The program will allow users (zookeepers) to log a newly-admitted animal by submitting a form with animal species, name, age, diet, location, caretakers, sex, one like, and one dislike.
- The program will allow users to view a list of all animals that have been logged.
- The program will allow users to sort and view the list of animals by age (< 2 years, >= 2 years, all animals).
- The program will allow users to click on an animal to edit its name, age, or caretakers.
- (if time) The program will allow users to click on an animal to edit any of its other characteristics.
- Modules/Components/Integration (a = action; b = button)
animal model---------------------root module----------------------age pipe (sorting) | root component __________________________________|__________________________________ | | | animal-list component new-animal component edit-animal component
- Components:
- animal model: contains animal class declaration and constructor
- root module: imports all components and additional key files (e.g. models, pipes)
- root component: integrates all child components plus forms and pipe (sorting) display; contains minimal base template w/all other component elements; contains master animal list/seed data
- animal-list component: contains display loop + most event and property bindings, inputs and outputs, key methods related to display loop
- new-animal component: contains new-animal form, show/hide functionality, inputs and outputs, key methods related to form
- edit-animal component: contains edit-animal form pre-filled with current animal data, updates animal properties in real time; contains inputs and outputs, key methods related to form
- age pipe: contains back-end code allowing user to sort animals by age
- Include and modify Bootstrap/SASS etc.
- Develop custom styles
- Polish
- Refactor minor portion of...
- Delete unused...
- Make README awesome
- Wish List (if time)
- Enabel user to edit additional characteristics
- Extend animal model with additional characteristics (e.g. health, mate, children)
- Group/sort by species and/or diet
- Color code by species and/or location
- Custom styling
- Additional features?
You will need the following platforms, apps, and languages properly installed on your computer.
- Git
- Node.js (with NPM)
- TypeScript:
- install via npm with
npm install typescript -g
- check installation with
tsc -v
; you should see a version number
- install via npm with
git clone
cd fantasy-zoo
npm install
npm install
bower install
gulp build
gulp serve
- Visit your app at http://localhost:3000.
No known bugs.
You can contact me with questions or inquiries at
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Bootstrap 3
- Google Fonts
- TypeScript 2.4.2
- ECMAScript (JavaScript) 5 & 6
- Node.js 8.2.1
- npm (Node package manager) 5.3.0
- Bower (front-end dependency manager) 1.8.0
- Angular.js 2
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2017 Nicole Freed. All rights reserved.