A kubernetes-based setup to create an environment with ory/hydra as the OIDC provider and kong as the gateway and ingress controller that validates access token for each request.
Create a config-map for hydra related configurations
kubectl apply -f hydra/hydra-configmap.yaml
Create relevant secrets for hydra to work (such as db password etc) (NOTE: name is still hydradb for secrets. TODO)
kubectl apply -f hydra/hydra-secret.yaml
Start the database that hydra can connect to (note that for non-minikube environements, you would just create a database resource and pass that in as a volume)
kubectl apply -f hydra/hydradb-deployment.yaml
Run a job that runs the migration script for the database so that hydra works as expected
kubectl apply -f hydra/hydradb-migrations.yaml
Start a pod with ory hydra
kubectl apply -f hydra/hydra-deployment.yaml
// Since minikube docker context is inside its own container, we need to allow docker images that we've built to be accessible inside minikube's own container. // NOTE: if in minikube then execute in the shell where you plan to build the docker image, and then apply the kong-deployment.yaml file) // NOTE2: this has to be done on every shell
eval $(minikube docker-env)
For windows this would be
minikube docker-env | Invoke-Expression
Build kong image with kong-oidc plugin and relevant configs (This is assuming that the terminal context is inside the project director) Don't forget the '
' at the end
docker build -t kong-dbless .
Create a pod with kong-gateway NOTE: for non-minikube environments, remember to change the ImagePullPolicy from Never to Always and give a valid repository URL
kubectl apply -f kong-oidc-deployment.yaml
Create the OIDC plugin for kubernetes
kubectl apply -f kong-oidc-plugin.yaml
Create an example service with the kubernetes OIDC plugin
kubectl apply -f kong-echo-withplugin.yaml
Create a UI that can help control and manage kong gateway (this is more useful incase of kong with db)
kubectl apply -f konga/konga-deployment.yaml
Create an ingress controller so that the paths can be controller appropriately. The OIDC plugin can also be enabled for services at ingress instead of kubernetes service level as well For minikube remember to enable ingress addon first via
minikube addons enable ingress
kubectl apply -f kong-demo-ingress.yaml
To access your environment outside the minikube environment, allow this via
minikube service -n kong kong-proxy
(choose the
To generate a token you can use the given curlService pod (or use the POSTMAN script which I'll add later)
Create a Token
// Start a pod in the kubernetes network to test if hydra is working as intended
kubectl apply -f hydra/curl-server.yaml
// Exec into the curl service pod
// You can get <pod_name_of_curl_server> by `kubectl get po` and taking the name of the one for the curl service
kubectl exec -it <pod_name_of_curl_server> /bin/bash
// This should be run in bash from inside the curlService pod
// This creates the OIDC client for which the token will be created for
curl --location --request POST 'http://hydra-service:9001/clients' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"client_id": "someconsumer",
"client_name": "consumerName",
"client_secret": "somesecret",
"grant_types": [
"scope":"merchant offline_access offline openid",
"redirect_uris": [
"response_types": [
//Get a valid token
curl --location --request POST 'http://hydra-service:9000/oauth2/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=someconsumer' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=somesecret' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=offline_access offline openid merchant'
You can now use this token to call the example echo service via
curl -i --location --request GET '<port_number_from_minikube_exposed_service>/foo' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'