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Overloading basics

Only functions can be overloaded; this includes both polymorphic and template functions. Overloading of functions is accomplished with the overload and with keywords. We choose a string to become a symbol using symintr, then overload a function with this symbol. For instance, a standard way of doing this is as follows:

symintr foo

fun foo1(x: atype): btype
overload foo with foo1

Overloading precedence

If the appropriate function cannot be resolved based on type, a precedence mechanism can be specified by using the of keyword followed by an (non-negative? positive?) integer. Of course, one may want to think carefully about using overloading in this way, since it could be easy to forget exactly which function is being used in practice; when in doubt, use the actual function name when calling the function. Building on the previous example:

symintr foo

fun foo1(x: atype): btype
overload foo with foo1 of 10

fun foo2(x: atype): btype
overload foo with foo2 of 20

A higher number after of signifies a higher priority, so all else being equal, foo2 will be used if we have a call like foo(atype).

Operator fixity

Whether an operator is infix or postfix can be declared using the infix, infixl, infixr, prefix, and postfix keywords. For instance, the following changes + to be a postfix operator, and we can overload it with some function of our choice, say myfun(atype).

postfix +
overload + with myfun
(* Now instead of doing myfun(atype) we can do: *)
val x: atype = some_val
(* But we can no longer do this in the same scope: *)
val m = 3 + 5

Renewing a string to be a symbol

Some strings are reserved for other purposes by default in ATS. For instance, && is a macro. However, if we do

symintr &&

We can now overload && with a function of our choice. Of course, the original functionality of && will no longer work in the same scope.

Bracket overloading

Bracket overloading uses the pair of symbols [ and ] to allow functions to be called using a subscripting style, where the argument to the left of [ (and the first argument of the function being overloaded) is usually thought of as the "data object" and the arguments between [ and ] are thought of as somehow being an index or parameterizing the value on the left of the [. That is only the convention though, with array and matrix subscripting being prominent examples; in principle it could be used in other ways.

Note the following rules:

  • The last function argument of a function returning void may be used as an r-value in the overloaded operator expression, e.g.
f(x,y) -> void
// replaced by
val _ = x[] := y
  • If the function returns values, these may be assigned to as l-values in the overloaded operator expression, e.g.:
f(x,y) -> z
// replaced by
val z = x[y]

Here is a matrix subscripting example, which doesn't compile, but see prelude_matrixptr.dats for full code:

(* in prelude/SATS/matrixptr.sats *)

  A: !matrixptr(INV(a), m, n), i: natLt (m), n: int n, j: natLt (n)
) :<> (a) // end of [matrixptr_get_at_int]

  A: !matrixptr(INV(a), m, n), i: natLt (m), n: int n, j: natLt (n), x: a
) :<!wrt> void // end of [matrixptr_set_at_int]

overload [] with matrixptr_get_at_int
overload [] with matrixptr_set_at_int

(* in doc/EXAMPLE/ATSLIB/prelude_matrixptr.dats *)

val m = 2 and n = 5
val A = (arrayptr)$arrpsz{int}(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
val M = arrayptr2matrixptr (A, m, n)
val () = M[0, n, 0] :=* 2
val () = M[0, n, 1] :=* 2

Note an interesting point here is that each use of [] actually employs both the get and set functions, since [] is overloaded by both functions.

A somewhat less conventional example using nothing between [ and ] is locking access to a variable. See the ATS Tutorial section on Bracket Overloading for more information.

Dot-symbol overloading

Dot symbol overloading allows the emulation of selecting fields from a record-value or methods from an object-value, which can be quite useful when interacting with other languages that support these features. There are two forms of dot-notation that can be used for overloading in ATS: dot-notation and functional dot-notation. Functional dot-notation looks like the system used in Python, and is a slightly restricted form that must be used for linear-values. This is demonstrated below; for more information see the ATS Tutorial section on Dot-Symbol Overloading.

Dot-notation (non-linear)

typedef counter = int
fun counter_make (): counter
fun counter_free (counter): void
fun counter_get (cntr: !counter): int
fun counter_incby (cntr: !counter, n: int): void

overload .get with counter_get
overload .incby with counter_incby

Functional dot-notation (linear or non-linear)

Instead of implementing counter as an int, what if it were a linear value?

(* typedef counter = int // replace this with a linear type *)
absvtype counter = ptr

Now this will NOT typecheck:

val n0 = c0.get

But this will:

val n0 = c0.get() // = counter_get(c0)

The reason is that the functional style must be used for linear values, to avoid having the situation where a linear value is overwritten like this:

val () = foo.x := x0

While the above is natural to write, it is less natural to write, which of course won't typecheck:

val () = foo.x() := x0

Thus, enforcing the use of functional dot-notation for linear types makes this process natural.

Creating new symbols with macros

A combination of macros (macdefs) and fixity assignments can be used to introduce syntactic sugar for specialized symbols. For instance, the example below allows ^t to be used as a postfix operator used to take the transpose (function transp_LAgmat) of a matrix:

(* ****** ****** *)
   HX: a hackery of a little fun
#define t 't'
infixr ^
macdef ^ (M, t) = transp_LAgmat (,(M))
(* ****** ****** *)


Overloading doesn't work with indexed types

Insert simplified version of failed example:!msg/ats-lang-users/Y1PxLL-9jfU/kyjkxB0wwPkJ

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