A simple web application written using React JS framework that manage a study plan of a student with the management of prerequisites and incompatibilities.
The backend is implemented with Node Express and with a simple example of the paradigm Router Service Dao
: contains also the homepage and the homepage logged-in.In the first case the user see only the list of all available courses. In the second case, after the login the user see his study plan if exists (it can be modified) and the list of the courses. If the study plan doesn't exists the user can create a new one.
: contains the login form in which the user insert his credentials to access.
URL: /api/sessions/current
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve the session of the user if is already logged, otherwise return an error message
Request body: None or authenticated
Response: 200 OK
Response body:
name: "John"
Error responses: 500 Internal server error
401 Unauthorized
URL: /api/sessions
Method: POST
Description: Create a new study session and retrive the user info if the login process is completed.
Request body:
"password" : "test"
Response: 201 Created
Response body:
name: "John"
Error responses: 500 Internal server error
401 Unauthorized
URL: /api/sessions/current
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete a session for an authenticated user
User body: {id:1}
Response: 204 No Content
Response body: None
Error responses: 500 Internal server error
401 Unauthorized
URL: /api/courses
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve the list of all the available courses.
Request body: None
Response: 200 OK
Response body:
"code": 02GOLOV,
"name": "Architetture dei Sistemi di Elaborazione",
"cfu" : 10,
"maxStud" : null,
"proped" : null,
"numStud": 2
"code": 02LSEOV,
"name": "Computer architectures",
"cfu" : 12,
"maxStud" : null,
"proped" : null,
"numStud" : 1
Error responses: 500 Internal server error
URL: /api/courses/incompatibilities
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve the list of all the incompatibilies between courses.
Request body: None
Response: 200 OK
Response body:
"mainCode": 02GOLOV,
"incompCode": 02LSEOV
"mainCode": 02LSEOV,
"incompCode": 02GOLOV
"mainCode": 01SQJOV,
"incompCode": 01SQMOV
"mainCode": 01SQJOV,
"incompCode": 01SQLOV
Error responses: 500 Internal server error
URL: /api/studyplan
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve the studyplan for the logged student.
Request body: None
User body: {id:1}
Response: 200 OK
Response body:
"courses": [
"code": "01UDFOV",
"name": "Applicazioni Web I",
"cfu": 6,
"maxStud": null,
"proped": null
"code": "03UEWOV",
"name": "Challenge",
"cfu": 5,
"maxStud": null,
"proped": null
"code": "01URROV",
"name": "Computational intelligence",
"cfu": 6,
"maxStud": null,
"proped": null
"code": "02LSEOV",
"name": "Computer architectures",
"cfu": 12,
"maxStud": null,
"proped": null
"code": "01OTWOV",
"name": "Computer network technologies and services",
"cfu": 6,
"maxStud": 3,
"proped": null
"code": "01OUZPD",
"name": "Model based software design",
"cfu": 4,
"maxStud": null,
"proped": null
"ptft": 1
Error responses: 500 Internal server error
401 Unauthorized
URL: /api/studyplan
Method: POST
Description: Create a new study plan for the logged student, each previous version will be cancelled
Request body:
"courses": ["02GOLOV","01SQMOV","03UEWOV","01TXYOV"]
"ptft" : 1
User body: {id:1}
Response: 201 Created
Response body: None
Error responses: 500 Internal server error
422 Unprocessable Entity
401 Unauthorized
URL: /api/studyplan/user/all
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete a study plan permanently for the logged student
Request body: None
User body: {id:1}
Response: 204 No Content
Response body: None
Error responses: 500 Internal server error
401 Unauthorized
A list of the database tables with an example for each row
Table Courses
code | name | cfu | maxStud | proped |
02GOLOV | Architetture dei sistemi di elaborazione | 12 | null | null |
Table CoursesUsers
code | iduser |
02GOLOV | 1 |
Table Incomp
mainCode | incompCode |
Table Users
id | name | surname | username | password | ptft | salt |
1 | John | Smith | john.smith | bf77052a4cf1925b67755662b6fbc68255ac709d535cf4f3ae7fd211d18425c7 | 1 | cidamcndoslcdvds |
): contains the main interface in particular theCourses
component andStudyplan
component rendered only if the user is loggedNavbar
): contains the navbar of the entire application. From it the user can access to theLogin
route through a button if is not logged, otherwise he can do the log out (also through a button) and view his name.Studyplan
): contains the interface reserved to the managment of the study plan. From it the user can view, create or modify his study plan. In the interface is included the possibility to set a part time or full time studyplan, view the cfu of the actual study plan (both in edit mode or view mode) and the buttons that allow to submit the study plan, delete the provisional study plan or the persistent one. This component appear only if the user is logged.Courses
): contains the interface that the user see also if he is not logged. This interface shows all the information related to a course including the name, cfu, the maximum number of the students that can join to the specific course and the actual number of the students signed up to the course. The user can view other informations about a course: the prerequisite course and the incompatibilities in a drop down menu. In edit mode this component shows the add button that allows to add a course to the provisional study plan if it's possible, otherwise show the reason.LoginForm
): contains the login form that allow to insert the credentials of the user. If the credentials are not valid or are wrongs, it shows an alert with the specific error.LogoutButton
): contains the logout button that allow to do the logout from the application.
Login : login page.
Homepage not logged : homepage when a user is not logged.
Homepage logged : homepage when a user is logged and has already a study plan.
Homepage logged : homepage when a user is logged and doesn't have a study plan yet.
Edit mode : homepage in edit mode
Edit mode : homepage in edit mode when an error occurs on the add
- username: john.smith | password: test | study plan: full time (0)
- username: jack.daniels | password: test | study plan: part time (1)
- username: jimmy.carrots | password: test | study plan: full time (0)
- username: chad.smith | password: test | study plan: part time (1)
- username: anthony.flead | password: test | study plan: part time (1)
- username: katy.chair | password: test | study plan: empty (null)