- Author: Tanin Srivaraphong (Original : Guido Sabatini)
- License: The MIT License
- Tested on PhoneGap/Cordova 2.3.0 - 2.9.0
ATTENTION: the callback will never be triggered, it's here only for consistency with the iOS plugin
callback: never used
subject: a string representing the subject of the email; can be null
body: a string representing the email body (could be HTML code, in this case set isHtml to true); can be null
toRecipients: a js array containing all the email addresses for TO field; can be null/empty
ccRecipients: a js array containing all the email addresses for CC field; can be null/empty
bccRecipients: a js array containing all the email addresses for BCC field; can be null/empty
isHtml: a bool value indicating if the body is HTML or plain text
attachments: a js array containing all full paths to the files you want to attach; can be null/empty