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Publish sbt package to Github Packages

As you may know, Github Packages is a place like npm, which you can host public and private packages. Currently, Github packages supports lots of build tools like npm, gem, mvn, gradle, dotnet (Free for public libraries). However, there is not support for sbt, which is not very friendly to our scala developers. Fortunately, thanks to djspiewak for creating sbt-github-packages plugin. This will allow us to publish our scala library into Github packages. Here is how:

🧧 Publish sbt library to Github Packages

We will use sbt-github-packages plugin in this tutorial

1. Generate a personal access token with package:write permission

Get your personal access token in settings - developer settings - personal access token


Then goto generate token, please remember this token, we will use it in step 3.

2. Add sbt-github-packages plugin into your existing sbt project

I assume you have a library that is ready to publish. Please add this line to your codebase ./project/plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("com.codecommit" % "sbt-github-packages" % "0.5.2")

3. Set global git github.token to allow the plugin to work

git config --global github.user <github_username>
git config --global github.token <personal_token>

Where <personal_token> is the token you just created in step 1. After executing these commands, you should be able to view it at ~/.gitconfig

	token = <personal_token>
	user = <github_username>

4. Get ready to publish your package

Add these these lines to your ./build.sbt

githubOwner := "<github_username>"
githubRepository := "<github_repo_name>"
githubTokenSource := TokenSource.GitConfig("github.token")

after adding them you should re-run the build or restart the IDE (if you're using IntelliJ)

For example, my username is gjuoun and this repo name is github-packages-playground. Fill the fields as yours.

Behind the scene, githubTokenSource := TokenSource.GitConfig("github.token") reads the github token then the plugin is authorized to publish to Github Packages

5. Publish to Github Packages

Run this command to publish your package:

> sbt publish

Then you will see this package tab available in your repo:


The package name is <organization>.<name>_<scalaVersion>, the example below has a package version 0.1.2 which is from <version>. All naming conventions are from the variables in ./build.sbt.

🧨 Use sbt package from Github Packages

We will use sbt-github-packages plugin in this tutorial You should have followed step 1-5 above and published your package.

1. Add sbt-github-packages plugin to enable sbt to consume the package

Add this line to your ./project/plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("com.codecommit" % "sbt-github-packages" % "0.5.2")

2. Add library resolver and dependencies to ./build.sbt

Add these lines to your codebase ./build.sbt make the plugin to work

githubTokenSource := TokenSource.GitConfig("github.token")

resolvers += Resolver.githubPackages("<github_username>", "<github_repo_name>")

libraryDependencies += "<organization>" %% "<package_name>" % "<version>"

Well, there are many fields we need to match them with your package. You can ignore the <github_repo_name> field, doing so the plugin will resolve all available packages in github account <github_username>.

We'd like to take this package as an example:



  • github_username = gjuoun
  • github_repo_name = github-packages-playground
  • organization = gjuoun
  • package_name = hellopackage
  • version = 0.1.6

3. Compile the code

Now you should able to compile your code with the new plugin

> sbt compile

4. Use the package

Suppose the package has code:

package org.gjuoun.lib

class Calculator{
  def add(x: Int, y:Int): Int ={

Importing the package into your code is easy, just follow the package name: org.gjuoun.lib

import org.gjuoun.lib.Calculator

// use it with
  var cal = new Calculator()
  Console.println(cal.add(10, 100))

Congratulations, you've published your scala library to Github packages successfully!

Demo code can be found here


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