This package contains 4 functions:
- med_to_dt: reads a MedPC raw data file to an R data table, including trial-by-trial data
- get_patch_data: adds patch level data to a data table created by med_to_dt
- save_forage_data: saves file to a specified path
- load_forage_data: loads data from a specified file
First, make sure you have the devtools package installed. If not, run:
Next, install rforage directly from github:
First, get the path to MedPC data files that you would like to import. These can be typed in manually, or selected via a GUI in a number of ways. I think the tcltk package is a good option across platforms. If using a mac, this will require XQuartz is installed. Example:
files = tcltk::tk_choose.files()
Next, use the med_to_dt function and get_patch_data function to import the trial-by-trial data from the MedPC file and to add basic variables for each patch (number of presses per patch, how many presses until leaving, time spent in each patch, etc.).
dat = med_to_dt(files[1], travel=10, group="DREADD", treatment="CNO")
dat = get_patch_data(dat)
Files can be saved to a csv or Rdata file:
save_file_name = save_forage_data(dat, path="~/Desktop", as_csv=F) # for Rdata
save_file_name = save_forage_data(dat, path="~/Desktop", as_csv=T) # for csv
And these files can be reloaded for further analysis. Files can be loaded one at a time, or multiple at once into a single data frame by using a vector of filenames:
reloaded_data = load_forage_data(save_file_name) # can load 1 or multiple files, returns a single data frame
reloaded_data = load_forage_data(c(save_file_name, save_file_name)) # loads multiple files, still returns a single data frame
To see additional options or for further details, see documentation. For example:
This package does not implement any additional methods for analysis at the moment. Please refer to the introduction to data.table for convenient and easy to use methods.