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Getting Started

To begin using this template, choose one of the following options to get started:

Project Structure

 ├── resources                    # Build files on the specific platforms (iOS, Android) and app icon + splash
 ├── src                          # This is where the app lives - *the main folder*
 ├── .gitignore                   # Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore when using Git
 ├── .capacitor.config.json       # Global configuration for your Ionic app
 ├── package.json                 # Dependencies and build scripts
 ├──                    # Project description
 ├── tsconfig.json                # TypeScript configurations
 └── .elslintrc.json              # TypeScript linting options

src directory

   ├── ...
   ├── src
   │   ├── app                    # This folder contains global modules and styling
   │   ├── assets                 # This folder contains images and the *data.json*
   |   ├── pages                  # Contains all the individual pages (home, tabs, category, list, single-item)
   |   ├── services               # Contains the item-api service that retrieves data from the JSON file
   |   ├── theme                  # The global SCSS variables to use throughout the app
   |   ├── declarations.d.ts      # A config file to make TypeScript objects available in intellisense
   |   ├── index.html             # The root index app file - This launches the app
   |   ├── manifest.json          # Metadata for the app
   │   └── service-worker.js      # Cache configurations
   └── ...

Start the project

The project is started with the regular ionic commands.

  1. Run npm install to install all dependencies.
  2. Run ionic serve to start the development environment.
  3. To build the project run ionic build android or ionic build ios. In order for you to build an iOS app, you need to run on MacOS.

An alternative is to emulate the app on a device or upload it to the ionic cloud. From here you can download the ionic view app and use the app on all devices.



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