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EDI4ML is a set of custom XQuery libraries that can be used to parse an EDI ASC X12 document into a generic XML structure for storage and manipulation in MarkLogic and then convert the XML back into an EDI ASC X12 document.

The converted XML is quite generic and with nested elements that correspond to the EDI segment, field, component and sub-component constructs. Once an EDI document has been converted to this generic XML structure, an XSL transform can be applied to build a context sensitive XML structure that adds meaning to the individual segments, fields, components and sub-components specific to a particular EDI format.

EDI4ML consists of 2 parts:

  • a standalone set of library modules in src/modules/edi-parser
  • a local Roxy framework for testing the XQuery modules.

Usage Examples

Convert EDI X12 to a generic XML document

xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace epx = "http://edi4ml/parser/xml" at "/modules/edi-parser/edi-parser-xml.xqy";

let $doc := fn:document-get("/tmp/myEDIdoc.edi")
return epx:edi-to-xml($doc, (), (), (), (), fn:false())

Convert EDI X12 to generic XML with handling for Interchange, Functional Groups and Transaction Sets

xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace epx = "http://edi4ml/parser/xml" at "/modules/edi-parser/edi-parser-xml.xqy";

let $doc := fn:document-get("/tmp/myEDIdoc.edi")
return epx:edi-to-xml($doc, (), (), (), (), fn:true())

Convert EDI formatted XML to EDI X12

xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace epx = "http://edi4ml/parser/xml" at "/modules/edi-parser/edi-parser-xml.xqy";


API Documentation

epx:edi-to-xml($document, $segment, $field, $component, $subcomponent, $parse-headers)


$document - The EDI x12 document that will be parsed
$segment - Optional segment delimiter.  Defaults to ~
$field - Optional field delimiter.  Defaults to *
$component - Optional component delimiter.  Defaults to :
$subcomponent - Optional sub-component delimiter.  Not used by default and is blank
$parse-headers - Applies parsing for Interchange, Functional Groups and Transaction Sets when true

###Returns: element(xs:QName("http://edi4ml/edi/xml#", "edi-document")


###Parameters: $xml - The root edi-document element and its children ###Returns: EDI ASC X12 formatted text

Generic EDI XML format

The basic EDI XML format.

<edi-document xmlns="http://edi4ml/edi/xml#>
    <!-- Delimiters used to parse/build the EDI X12 document -->
    <delimiter type="field">*</delimiter>
    <delimiter type="segment">~</delimiter>
    <delimiter type="component">:</delimiter>
  <segments count="10">
    <!-- Content from EDI X12 document is broken down here -->
    <segment index="1">
      <!-- index is the position of the segment in the original EDI document -->
      <ex:fields count="16">
        <!-- The individual fields that make up a segment go here.
             Empty fields are included as blanks. 
             Each field has an index attribute which is the position
               of the field within the segment.  -->
        <field index="1">00</field>
        <field index="2">  </field>
        <field index="3">
          <!-- Fields may be broken down into components or repeating elements.
               Like fields each component has an index that indicates its position in the field.
               Empty components are included as blanks -->
          <components count="3">
            <component index="1">abcd</component>
            <component index="2">  </component>
            <component index="3">
              <!-- Components can be broken down into sub-components.
                   These behave like components and fields. -->
              <sub-components count="1">
                <sub-component index="1">xyz</sub-component>

Parsed EDI XML format

Similar to the basic EDI format, this includes special handling for the interchange, functional group and transaction set elements common in all EDI X12 documents. The standard segment/field/component/sub-component constructs exist within each transaction set.

<edi-document xmlns="http://edi4ml/edi/xml#>
    <!-- Delimiters used to parse/build the EDI X12 document -->
    <delimiter type="field">*</delimiter>
    <delimiter type="segment">~</delimiter>
    <delimiter type="component">:</delimiter>
  <interchanges count="1">
    <interchange start-index="1" end-index="10">
      <!-- There is one interchange for each ISA/IEA pair in the
           EDI document.  
           start-index is the position of the ISA segment
           end-index is the position of the IEA segment -->             
        <information> </information>
        <information> </information>
        <identifier> </identifier>
        <information> </information>
      <functional-groups count="1">
        <!-- functional groups contained in the interchange.
             These are the GS/GE pairs -->
        <functional-group start-index="2" end-index="9">
          <transaction-sets count="1">
            <!-- a functional group may contain 1 or more transaction sets.
                 each set corresponds to a ST/SE pair -->
            <transaction-set start-index="3" end-index="8">
              <segments count="4">
                <!-- Segments contained within the transaction set.
                     These follow the same pattern as the segments
                     in the generic document above -->


EDI Libraries

The EDI4ML libraries are located in the /src/modules/edi-parser folder. These libraries can be added to your code and made accessible to your XQuery modules via the following import statement: import module namespace epx = "http://edi4ml/parser/xml" at "/modules/edi-parser/edi-parser-xml.xqy";

Roxy Test Framework

Functionality of the EDI4ML libraries can be verified through a test suite in the Roxy framework.

  • Edit the deploy/ file with the username, password and ports specific to your environment.
  • Then configure your test instance by running ml local bootstrap
  • Then deploy your modules and content by running ml local deploy modules and ml local deploy content
  • Open a browser to your test instance http://localhost:9120/test/
  • Deselect all except for edi-parser-commons and edi-parser-xml
  • Press Run Tests



Roxy is destributed under the Apache license. There is currently no license for EDI4ML and no warranty. Use at your own risk.


XQuery utility library for working with EDI ASCx12 files







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