This is a syntax highlighting plugin for the Jasmine JavaScript testing framework. I extracted most of this from thomd's VIM-Jasmine plugin which is wonderful, but overkill for what I was looking for. I made a few modifications to suit my preferences.
This plugin contributes to vim-polyglot language pack.
With Vundle
Bundle 'glanotte/vim-jasmine'
To your .vimrc
and run BundleInstall
from within vim or vim +BundleInstall +qall
from the command line
With Pathogen
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone
By default this syntax is used with all *_spec.js
and *Spec.js
files. If you don't follow this norm use something like:
autocmd BufReadPost,BufNewFile *_foo.js set filetype=jasmine.javascript syntax=jasmine
In your ~/.vimrc
This assumes that you are using some other javascript plugin for syntax highlighting and it attaches itself onto the JavaScriptAll cluster.